Thursday, October 9, 2008
9 on the 9th
1. Have a Little Talk With Jesus - Cleavant Derricks
2. I'll Fly Away - Albert E. Brumley
3. O Come, Angel Band - William B. Bradbury
4. Where the Soul Never Dies - Wm. M. Golden
5. It Is Well With My Soul - P. P. Bliss Horatio Spafford wrote the words. Read his story here. It's incredible! (this is my father's favorite too)
6. He Leadeth Me - William B. Bradbury
7. Christ the Lord Is Risen Today - Charles Wesley
8. Must I Go And Empty Handed - Charles C. Luther
9. Amazing Grace - John Newton
Monday, October 6, 2008
I didn't mean to be gone this long.....promise!

Friday, August 15, 2008
Great Newses..(newses: plural - more than one great news item)
Great news #1. Noah's biopsy results came back. It is Psoriasis. That is good news. The Dr. is changing his treatment. That is GREAT news. He still has some steroid medication but it is much lower in strength. Hopefully this new combination of medicine will clear up those aggravating dots! (dots is what Noah calls them)
Great news #2. My cousin Bill and his wife April are gonna have a BABY!! We are so very excited for them. Her due date is, well what else....April. They have started a baby blog here: I am hoping for a girl since I am surrounded by all this testosterone! I would love to purchase something pink!!
God is Good!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
9 on the 9th, on time this time.....
1. Read to Noah
2. Talk with Gene
3. Read
4. Spend time with ALL my family/Friends
5. Play games....just about any kind
6. Cook/Bake/Decorate Cakes
7. Scrapbook/Cross Stitch
8. Go to the movies (wish it wasn't so darn expensive!)
9. Worship @ Riverbluff
Notice that "clean house" and "yard work" aren't listed.....
guess that explains why my house needs cleaning and the yard needs work.....
go figure.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Variety is the Spice of Life.....

Saturday, August 2, 2008
Pretty Darn Close..........
We got clothes and supplies for Kevin and sniff sniff....Noah. **insert uncontrollable sobbing here**
When we got to the register, I said to Mr. Smith....."this is going to be $300.00".
It wasn't.
It was $299.71. Only .29 off!
I have super hero powers!
You can just call me the "Human Calculator" from now on.
It was just a lucky guess. It did feel kinda good to look like I was really smart for a change.
Monday, July 28, 2008
What a Brave Little Man.....

He has only one stitch that will be removed in a couple of weeks. We should get the results around that same time and we will let you know when we find out.

Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers. Ya'll are the very best.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Could I ask for some prayers?
One thing on my mind is this..... Little man went back to the dermatologist yesterday. (I was with him, I had to drive) Anyway, for those that may not know, he has some skin issues.
The original diagnosis was Childhood Psoriasis. When he was first diagnosed, he had just turned 4 and the Doctor was pretty sure his diagnosis was accurate. He said he could not be 100% positive without doing a biopsy and since Noah was so young, he didn't want to do one as it would be painful and the treatment would most likely be the same no matter what the diagnosis.
He is now 5 1/2 and still having flare ups. In fact, this last one is really bad. The treatment has been topical steroids. The worse the flare ups get, the stronger the meds need to be.
Everything you hear about steroid use is true, even with topical. It messes with his sleep pattern, makes him puffy, he is hungry all the time, and has emotional issues. Anyway, the doctor now wants to do the biopsy mainly to make a definite diagnosis and make sure we are on the right track in treatment.
I understand that.
I "get" that at this point it is necessary.
I am confident in the Doctor and I know he is going to do everything to make sure this procedure is as pain free as possible. But my heart just hurts for my little guy. I wish I could just offer up my body, tell the Doc to cut off whatever he needs just DON'T get near my guy with anything sharp! I know this isn't possible. I just don't want Noah to all.....ever.
A biopsy may not seem like a big deal to some of you. I guess when looking at the big picture, it really isn't a big deal, especially to those kids/parents suffering with cancer and other life threatening illnesses. I have always said that if Noah had to be afflicted with something that I am grateful that it is a minor skin issue. We are blessed. I know that.
Being this concerned/upset/anxious/unsettled and yes, worried about the unknown seems so silly when you think about what God did for us........How could he stand seeing His Son in such pain.
How did he bare it.
I am so grateful.
I am so blessed.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
No more leaks and I have a squirty thingy.......

This is hubby patiently explaining to me that this is most certainly NOT blog fodder and under no circumstances should it appear on my blog.
I ignored that.
Please note his furry helper behind him.....
TAAA DAAAA!! A pretty shiny new kitchen faucet that does not leak and has a functional squirty thingy.
Happy girl.....
Monday, July 14, 2008
Monday Menus and New England in Autumn.......

Thursday, July 10, 2008
I totally forgot......
9 of my very favorite movies not in any specific order:
1. Steel Magnolia's - I can quote most lines in this movie. I have seen it more than 20 times and if I watched it again tonight, I would laugh and cry....again.
2. Terms of Endearment - I can quote most lines in this movie. I have seen it more than 20 times and if I watched it again tonight, I would laugh and cry.....again.
3. Tombstone - LOVE Val Kilmer as Doc Holiday!
4. Practical Magic - a weird twist on a love story.
5. Jungle Book - come on......who doesn't like singin "bear necessities" at the top of their lungs?
6. Men in Black - I laughed until soda came out of my nose.
7. Independence Day - Call me weird but I really like Jeff Goldblum
8. Platoon - Broke my heart.
9. Pretty Woman - I just like it ok!
Next month I will try to be on time!!
Monday, July 7, 2008
I love family reunions......

OK. In the photo below, please note the extremely cool and handsome dude lurking behind the sign. After the reunion, he informed me that a few girls had given him phone numbers. I told him that was just fine as long as he didn't think he was actually going to call them!! By the way, they were not related to us but even if they were, according to a certain well known southern comedian, it is perfectly acceptable to pick up women at a family reunion. ;o)

Sunday: Aunt Jan out did herself with a huge and wonderful big breakfast....homemade gravy and biscuits, eggs, sausage, bacon, ham, fried taters, cooked apples.....I need to stop, I'm getting drool on the keyboard and I'm afraid I may electrocute myself...
The rest of the day was spent just lounging around and enjoying each other's company. I believe this is the day that Aunt B talked Noah into taking a picture of her toe.
Her toe.
And yes.
He did.
He also took this picture of Nonna. Not bad for a 5 yr old!

I must say that some wonderful memories were made. The days filled with talking and reminiscing and the evenings filled with sitting on the front porch, taking in the mountain air and catching fireflies. Again. Who could ask for ANYTHING more. Making memories with those you love........
Monday, June 30, 2008
Just dreamin......
1. What is your occupation? Head Forensic Specialist at Quantico
2. What color are your socks right now? Dark blue with yellow writing saying "FBI"
3. What are you listening to right now? My husband excitedly watching a Braves game on his 17 foot wall mounted HDTV
4. What was the last thing that you ate? The most wonderful Fillet made by one of my 3 personal chefs
5. Can you drive a stick shift? Honey, I can drive just about anything!
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Gold, of course dahling...
7. Women: Bra Size 34 C
8.Last person you spoke to on the phone? My publicist, about my latest best seller.
9. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Of course. Who doesn't love Rachel Ray?
10. How old are you today? 27
11. Favorite drink? Fresh spring water with a twist of imported key lime served in a chilled glass rimmed in gold.
12. What is your favorite sport to watch? Oh whatever, whenever. When you own box seats in every stadium in the nation, every game is a party!
13. Have you ever dyed your hair? I have a personal hair dresser that changes it at my every whim.
14. Pets? Yes, 1247 if you include my no kill shelter and wildlife refuge.
15. Last movie you watched? Since I have so many connections in high places, I see them all before they are even released.
16. Favorite Day of the year? April 15th
17. What do you do to vent anger? Go to my personal gym for a nice workout, massage and steam bath.
18. What was your favorite toy as a child? Oh. I didn't have toys. We were missionaries in the Congo. I had a panther to play with.
19. What is your favorite season? It doesn't matter since I own homes all over the globe. If the weather doesn't suit me, I just hop on over to one with a more "compatible" season.
20. Hugs or kisses? Both please!
21. Cherry or Blueberry? I'll have my secretary decide for me later.
22. Do you want your friends to email you back? If they would like to but since I have bought them all houses near me, we can just get together to chat about it.
23. Who is most likely to respond? Fergie - either one.
24. Who is least likely to respond? My cousin Tina. I think she is touring promoting her latest movie.
25. When was the last time you cried? When Angelina decided to have the twins in France instead of my personal compound.
26. What is on the floor of your closet? My closet has been specifically designed to never have anything on the floor. A place for everything and everything in its place. (I'm gonna get struck by lightning for that one!)
27. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending this to? I could tell you but then I'd have to shoot you.
29. Who is the friend you have had the shortest that you are sending this to? I could tell you but then I'd have to shoot you.
30. Favorite smells? My freshly landscaped estate by my team of experts.
31. Who inspires you? Our military (this is true)
32. What are you afraid of ? Dust bunnies. (this is also true)
34. Favorite car? You know, I really miss the Pacer but I'll have to say anything that is armored.
35. Favorite cat breed? Panther
36. Number of keys on your key ring? I have staff that takes care of those things.
37. How many years at your current job? 8 (I was the youngest Head Forensic Specialist....ever)
38. Favorite day of the week? Every day is good when you are me.
39. How many states have you lived in? I have homes in all of them.
40. Do you think you're funny? Um....yes....duh!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
And your point is.......
A study conducted by UCLA's Department of Psychiatry has revealed that
the kind of face a woman finds attractive on a man can differ depending
on where she is in her menstrual cycle.
For example: If she is ovulating, she is attracted to men with rugged
and masculine features. However, if she is menstruating, or menopausal,
she tends to be more attracted to a man with duct tape over his mouth
and a spear lodged in his chest while he is on fire.
No further studies are expected.
OK. I see absolutely nothing wrong in these findings........sounds pretty reasonable to me. Have I mentioned lately that I am menopausal?
Disclaimer: No husbands were harmed during this post. My husband is wonderful and this study is most certainly not directed at him. This was purely for entertainment purposes only.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Monday Menus and Random Thoughts.....
After church, we went to mom and pops and had a wonderful is a really good cook ya know. We then just enjoyed each other's company for a while, played a couple of games with the little man. The only problem with playing games with him is that the rules often change to suit him. I'm not gonna say he cheats but ya know, if the shoe fits.....
Why is it that after you do yard work, your body gets mad? Ok. My body gets mad. It's not like I NEVER do yard work, it's just that I don't do it as often as I should. When I do, apparently I use muscles that I normally don't use during regular everyday living. It's like a vicious cycle. I do yard work. I hurt. I swear never to do yard work again. I feel guilty cause the yard needs work and I can't expect hubs to do it all. SO, I do yard work. I hurt. I swear never to do yard work get the idea. OH! And why oh why is it that if there are biting ants within a 5 mile radius, I will step in them? I now have 47 ant bites on my feet......ok. I only have 6.... but they hurt!!! By the way, we did yard work Saturday. That's what brought on this little rant, in case you were wonderin.
I just love critters. What brought that on you ask? Just lookin at the kitty, lookin at the turtles, still after all this time tryin to figure out how to get in that darn glass box! Also, we have rabbits in our neck of the woods. There are a couple that spend quite a bit of time in our yard. One of them is pretty big and solid white. For a while, no one had seen him but me. My bff started calling him Harvey and accusing me of imagining him. Well, since then, a number of people have seen Harvey and I even got a picture of him. So there! HA!

Ain't he cute?
Ok. On to menus.
Monday: Rabbit stew.......HA just kiddin. I couldn't get rid of sweet Harvey.
Monday: Stromboli (that I didn't cook last Friday)
Tuesday: Pork roast, rice and gravy, corn and green beans.....yawn.
Wednesday: Clean out the fridge night since we have plans with the family on Friday.
Thursday: Dinner with my Aunt and other family
Friday: Dinner on the town with the family.
Hope ya'll have a great week! Chat with ya later....
Friday, June 13, 2008
I Do Cakes.....

Friday the 13th......
I thought it might be fun to do a top ten list of things people are superstitions about but I don't think I can think of that many. Can ya'll help?
1. Friday the 13th
2. Black cats crossing their path (I usually just pet them if they cross my path.....)
3. Walking under a ladder
4. Stepping on a crack
5. Throw salt over your shoulder after spilling it
6. I'm please.
I'm sure there are more out there. Help me out my friends!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Mass Confusion, Menus and Memes....
That was the mass confusion part of the title. Now onto menus.....
Monday - Spaghetti with meat sauce
Tuesday - Roast beef, rice and gravy, green beans and maybe squash souffle'
Wednesday - Busy busy busy- grab your own dinner -thanks!
Thursday - Pork chops, onion soup potatoes, peas
Friday - Pepperoni and Canadian bacon Stromboli (with leftover sauce from Monday), salad.
Ok. Now for the meme. Mrs N. over at All That Naz has started a new one. 9 on the 9th. The object is to create a list of any 9 things on the 9th of each month. She promised a reminder for us and that's a good thing because I don't do well with remembering dates and stuff. For instance, I think little man's birthday is somewhere near the beginning of the year but I'm not sure. JUST KIDDIN! I know when his birthday is........I'm pretty sure......I think. Anyway, if she will stick to the reminder, probably I will stick with the meme.....most likely. Ok. I'll try.
So, drum roll please for the very first, soon to be monthly, 9 on the 9th meme.
9 things that make me smile.....
1. Little man's hugs and kisses, even when he is dirty/gooey/and or sweaty.
2. My husband's sense of humor.
3. Watching the middle guy squirm under the glare of my hairy eyeball when he has done something he shouldn't have, or not done something he should have.
4. When the cat beats up the dogs.
5. Scrap booking with my friends.
6. Singing and spending time with my cousins.
7. Flirting with my husband.
8. Playing cards/games with my whole family at my Aunt's house.
9. When kids mispronounce words.
There you have it. More information than you ever wanted!
Chat with ya later......
Monday, May 26, 2008
Feelin' Better and getting my twisted sense of humor back.....

Yes, I know Easter is over, but this has always made me giggle and today, it made me laugh out loud. So. What part of the chocolate bunny do you eat first?
Monday, May 19, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
I am loved so much that it just might hurt.....
I then told her about the comment that my friend at Well Mannered Frivolity made after my last post:
"First off I want to give you a cyber hug and tell you that I love you and that I will be praying for you. Now for the mean part-If you ever decide to go off you meds again please let me know so I can thunk you on the forehead. :)"
My sweet mother then said....."Tell her she will have to stand in line to thunk you...and the line will be long"
Kinda makes me feel all mushy and gooey inside. My family and friends just oooooze love, don't they!
It will take a few more days for me to start feeling the affects of the medication but I am feeling a little better just knowing that I will start feeling better soon. Thanks for all your messages of love and friendship, your phone calls, and your prayers. I am just plain blessed.....
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
You are correct. A while back, I went off my medicine (stupid) for clinical depression. I was diagnosed with CD about 20 years ago or so. Since that time I have been on and off different types of antidepressants. Some worked well, some.....not so much. Anyway, I started having symptoms a month or so ago and just chalked them up to other things. I was tired all the time - my reasoning, who wouldn't be tired with a very active 5 year old that doesn't sleep well? I wasn't sleeping well - my reasoning, it's just a symptom of big deal.
You get the idea.
Then last week all my cute little symptoms gathered together to make me a big huge blubbering mess and *ding*, the light bulb went on. I knew I needed to get back on meds, and quick.
I saw my doc this morning (a quick shout out to mom and pops for staying with the boy so I could have some private time at my appt.....thanks a bunch!). She said that menopause and depression don't play well together and that is probably why it hit me so hard and quick this time. Anyway, I will be starting meds tonight and feeling better in no time. Until then, if you see me crying, or acting very stressed, or sitting in a corner sucking my thumb, pay me no will all be ok very soon!
OK. I take back the part about seeing me in the corner sucking my thumb....if you see that, get help! Thanks.
For those that may not really understand what this lovely illness is all about, I have included the possible symptoms. If you or someone you love has a lot of these symptoms or if you have thoughts of hurting yourself or someone else, please seek medical attention.
******note******If you are a parent of a teenager and sometimes want to wring their neck, probably this is not a sign of depression, just a sign that you are a parent of a teenager. However, if you find yourself actually reaching for their neck, STOP and get help.
Just FYI, the following symptoms that are in green are those I typically get. Yippee!
Clinical depression can present with a variety of symptoms, but almost all patients display a marked change in mood, a deep feeling of sadness, and a noticeable loss of interest or pleasure in favorite activities.
Other symptoms include:
Persistent sad, anxious or "empty" mood
Loss of appetite and/or weight loss or conversely overeating and weight gain
Insomnia, early morning awakening, or oversleeping
Restlessness or irritability (my family REALLY enjoys this one)
Psychomotor agitation or psychomotor retardation
Feelings of worthlessness, inappropriate guilt, helplessness
Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism
Difficulty thinking, concentrating, remembering or making decisions (I usually get an extra dose of this's one of my favorites!)***the previous statement is to be said dripping with snarky sarcasm***
Thoughts of death or suicide or attempts at suicide (I credit and thank God that I do not have this symptom. Because of His love, I always feel His comfort and I KNOW things will be ok.)
Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities that were once enjoyed
Withdrawal from social situations, family and friends (I work REALLY hard not to do this. It's very tiring)
Decreased energy, fatigue, feeling "slowed down" or sluggish (Didn't I just admit in my last post that I was in a fog? Didn't I say I felt like I was running in mud? Didn't I?????)
Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, such as headaches, digestive problems, and chronic pain
Decrease/Feeling in motor-speed (time seems to slow down) (Normally, I am late just every once in a while but I have been late to almost EVERY function in the last month, including church last Sunday! ARRRRRGGGGG)
Not all patients will suffer from every symptom. The severity of symptoms will vary widely among individuals. Symptoms must, however, persist for at least two weeks before being considered a potential sign of depression, with the exception of suicidal thoughts or attempts.[3][1]
If you also have this illness and need to talk to someone that understands, just shoot me an email and I will get in touch with you ASAP. Please know that you are not alone.........
Monday, April 28, 2008
Monday menus and other business.....
We have been pretty busy here at the Smiff household. Lots of things going on but not much getting done! I sometimes feel as if I am trying to run in mud.....not that I really run all that much. I have a firm belief that one should only run if one is being chased by something very a grizzly bear, or a mugger, or an angry mob, or a mutant swarm of bees.....well, you get the idea. I don't do running. Anyway, back to my feelings. I feel like I have been so very very busy but haven't accomplished a darn thing. Do you ever feel that way? I don't especially like it. I also feel as if I have been in somewhat of a fog. That isn't helping me accomplish much either. Oh well, I am pretty sure my family has had most of the required meals, I think...and they have clean clothes, most likely.......and they are all safe and happy.....ok, they aren't miserable....much.
I hope I recover from whatever it is that ails me soon so I can get back into enjoying life and accomplishing.......stuff! When you are saying your prayers, send one up for me if you don't mind. thanks.
On to menus:
Monday: Marinated pork chops, San Fran treat, green beans, corn
Tuesday: Cheddar sausages, baked beans, fruit salad
Wednesday: Baked chicken, baked red skin potatoes, carrots, spinach
Thursday: Ham, mac and cheese, green beans
Friday: Meatball stroganoff over noodles, peas, salad
There you have it.
You know what might be fun? How about, in honor of the upcoming Mom's day, let me know your favorite meal that your mom used to cook for you. Just post it in the comments section so we can all enjoy it! Thanks in advance for playing!!! I will let you know mine in my next post. OH the suspense...........
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Babies! We have babies!!!
RIGHT OUTSIDE OUR FRONT DOOR a mommy and daddy cardinal built a nest in the bush/tree thingy. The nest is right in my line of vision. I can look out the side windows by our front door and clearly see mommy in her nest. I do have to get closer to see our babies. Triplets! We have triplets!!!!!! Can ya'll tell that I am excited? So far, mommy trusts me. I have gotten very close to her and she just blinks her beautiful black eyes at me but doesn't move a muscle. I have half expected her to attack but she hasn't. I think she sees me with "the boy" and maybe understands that I am a mommy too. (ok. maybe that is just what I want to believe)Who knows what goes on in that little birdy brain of hers. Heck. Maybe she just can spot someone with a very large "Elly Mae Clampett" gene and instinctively knows I just love critters and would never cause her and her babies harm. Or maybe she has even seen me gently capture a spider/moth/lizard/tree frog, and release them back into the wild. Ok. Wild may have been an over exaggeration. I release them into our front yard. Anyway.....PICTURES....I HAVE PICTURES!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Corrections and additions.......
Also, I really need to give a shout out to my BFF, aka Aunt Jeanie. She arrived at my house at 10:00 that morning and worked her patootie off helping with the food, set up, reception, clean up and all around moral support until I dropped her back at her house around 5:00. That is a sacrifice folks and I appreciate her more than she will ever know!
I hope God has blessed all ya'll, all six of ya'll with a wonderful friend like my Jeanie!

Monday, April 21, 2008
Monday menus, weddings and other stuff......

Needless to say, I'm sure the family is happy that this is over. I will still be cooking but it will be for them again!
Monday: Pork roast, rice and gravy, cabbage/green beans and corn (cabbage is for me*family will not touch cabbage*family says....yuchhhhh!)
Tuesday: Turkey stroganoff casserole, peas.(I put the leftover turkey from a few weeks ago in the freezer*can be made with chicken too*family LOVES this casserole*it gets gone really fast)
Wednesday: Teriyaki chicken tenders, ham fried rice, stir fry veggies.
Thursday: Pulled pork BBQ sandwiches (from Monday's leftover pork roast) baked beans, fruit salad.
Friday: Lasagna, garlic bread, salad.
Sound good? I does to me, especially after last week's sandwich festival!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Monday Menus, lite
Smarty Pants!
There. I said it. (for those of you that know also know that she is one of the most precious human beings in the world and I love her much)
OK. I'm sure you are all on the edge of your proverbial seats wondering what in the world I meant by "lite" in the title. Well, I am catering a wedding this Saturday and I am trying to make everything at the last possible minute so I can have it all be as fresh as possible. I am also doing their wedding cake (it is a small wedding or I would not do both the cake and the catering) Anyway. I am also doing my monthly birthday cake for my BFF's office. I will be spending a lot of time in the kitchen, but to my family's dismay, it won't be cookin dinner......sorry.
So, hear goes Monday Menus, the lite edition.
Monday: Hot Dogs and whatever you can find to go with them
Tuesday: Grilled cheese and tomato soup
Wednesday: Ham sandwiches
Thursday: Tuna salad or whatever else I can find that is fast as lightning
Friday: For the love of PETE people, I am catering a wedding tomorrow........feed yourselves for crying out loud!!!
(I tend to get a little tense the night before......)
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
Monday Menus
Smarty pants.
Monday: Roast beef, taters and gravy, collards and beets.
Tuesday: Country fried steak, rice, green beans and corn
Wednesday:Baked fish, mac and cheese, fruit salad and green peas (I just KNOW Annie wants in on this meal..she loves green peas you know!)
Thursday: Teriyaki chicken tenders, fried rice, stir fry veggies
Friday: Philly cheese steak sandwiches, caramelized onions and salad. (I have to prepare extra onions for the little man......he LOVES them....weird huh.)
And by the way, a couple of you wanted to know if Noah will eat all this? Heck no! I just try to have leftovers of what he will eat or he gets a Pb&j! We just keep offering for him to try new things and hopefully, eventually, he will eat a wider variety. The items in green are things he will eat. Very strange....very strange!
Items in orange are things that no one in this house except me will touch.....not even with a ten foot pole.
I have a friend whose mother used to cook 2 or 3 complete meals for dinner so everyone in her house would be happy..........NOT THIS CHICK! I do try to have at least one or two ITEMS that everyone will eat, but, if not....there is always sandwich stuff in the fridge. Help yourself. Oh yeah, and there is always Pb&j!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
We have new Smiths........
After their introduction to Noah, he proclaimed "they're SO CUTE!" and promptly dubbed them Max and Zach. Noah then moved one of his small chairs directly in front of the tank so he could observe them up close and personal. Never mind that the chair is now blocking our matters not to the boy. It is for his convenience, not ours (just between you and me, the chair is being moved as soon as he isn't paying attention.....)Ok. On with the photos.....
This is Zach. He is a red eared slider.

And this is Max. He is a yellow belly um.....something or another......I am such a bad turtle mother! I can't remember my new fella's exact species....sigh.

This is Noah's new observation post.

Aunt Jeanie really knows how to make a little guy smile!

Ok. I am no longer gritting my teeth. I do really love the new additions to my family. I agree with Noah. They ARE really cute! Gene is enjoying them as well and the other two boy fella's seem to think they are pretty cool. The doggies don't really seem to care about them BUT there is someone that is very perplexed about the situation.............

I was able to read her thoughts earlier and this is what I received.........."I have GOT to find a way in there. OH LOOK! There is a little hole at the top here and I think I can get my paw down in there.......DRATS! I can't reach the water.....CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TAKE THIS TOP OFF SO I CAN GET IN THERE AND CAPTURE MY NEW TOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Aunt Jeanie. You are the best!