Thursday, October 9, 2008

9 on the 9th

Mrs N. hosts a nifty little meme over at her place, All That Naz. So I decided my 9 would be on music. Specifically hymns. I especially love hymns in four part harmony. You know, good ole quartet singin. The blue-grassier the better! The church we attend does mostly praise songs. I do love praise songs. In fact, my next 9 on the 9th post will probably be my favorite praise songs. For today, 9 of my favorite old hymns......

1. Have a Little Talk With Jesus - Cleavant Derricks
2. I'll Fly Away - Albert E. Brumley
3. O Come, Angel Band - William B. Bradbury
4. Where the Soul Never Dies - Wm. M. Golden
5. It Is Well With My Soul - P. P. Bliss Horatio Spafford wrote the words. Read his story here. It's incredible! (this is my father's favorite too)
6. He Leadeth Me - William B. Bradbury
7. Christ the Lord Is Risen Today - Charles Wesley
8. Must I Go And Empty Handed - Charles C. Luther
9. Amazing Grace - John Newton


Angela Nazworth said...

These are all so wonderful...I grew up singing old hymns and the messages is they carry...oh so deep. Thank you so much for playing.

Miranda said...

I love hymns as well. They are so comforting in the darker hours of life.

Good to meet you! Thanks for visiting my blog. I have a Noah as well! :)

April said...

I have always liked the old hymns, but now that I get to sing them every Sunday I LOVE them! Our church chooses to keep the old time traditions and I am so grateful. You can really feel Jesus in your heart after singing a few of these!

Jaime Kesler Photography said...

Time to start blogging again! How am I going to keep up on you if you're not blogging?
Miss you!

GrandCanyonMom said...