A long time ago in a land far far away, I used to decorate cakes. Ok, it wasn't far far away but it was a long time ago. I did a lot of cakes. I did so many Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that I know their names, special colors and special weapons by heart without having to look it up....and I didn't have any kids of my own back then. I did so many cakes that I got very burnt out and didn't eat cake for 6 years. Ok, I lied. I did eat cake, but I didn't bake them or decorate them. Well, when Noah was born I started doing a few cakes here and there to include his birthday cakes (with the exception of his 2nd birthday cake which I purchased and have to this day not lived down). I am by no means a professional but I enjoy it and I try hard! I am going to post a few pictures, not because I want the six of you to say nice things, but because I have now had a few people ask me to. So here are a few of my favorites.........

You should have your name legally changed to Duff. Just sayin'
I am so sad that the Spiderman cake didn't make the cut. AND, I'm making my official reservation for Labor Day weekend, so don't overbook!!!
Shoofly mama....I never got a picture of the Spidy cake...sigh. I am really bad about that!
Wendy.....That is like the coolest compliment EVER! Will you be my Mary Alice?
Love these cakes! You are so talented. For my going away cake I would like... :-)
Of course I will be your Mary Alice. She rocks! Now I'm off to get a cooler pair of glasses.....
You do cakes VERY well might I add, and they taste even better than they look. If that is even possible.
Love ya cuz, hope to come visit youn's next Thurs night at Jan's house for a bit.
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