After church, we went to mom and pops and had a wonderful is a really good cook ya know. We then just enjoyed each other's company for a while, played a couple of games with the little man. The only problem with playing games with him is that the rules often change to suit him. I'm not gonna say he cheats but ya know, if the shoe fits.....
Why is it that after you do yard work, your body gets mad? Ok. My body gets mad. It's not like I NEVER do yard work, it's just that I don't do it as often as I should. When I do, apparently I use muscles that I normally don't use during regular everyday living. It's like a vicious cycle. I do yard work. I hurt. I swear never to do yard work again. I feel guilty cause the yard needs work and I can't expect hubs to do it all. SO, I do yard work. I hurt. I swear never to do yard work get the idea. OH! And why oh why is it that if there are biting ants within a 5 mile radius, I will step in them? I now have 47 ant bites on my feet......ok. I only have 6.... but they hurt!!! By the way, we did yard work Saturday. That's what brought on this little rant, in case you were wonderin.
I just love critters. What brought that on you ask? Just lookin at the kitty, lookin at the turtles, still after all this time tryin to figure out how to get in that darn glass box! Also, we have rabbits in our neck of the woods. There are a couple that spend quite a bit of time in our yard. One of them is pretty big and solid white. For a while, no one had seen him but me. My bff started calling him Harvey and accusing me of imagining him. Well, since then, a number of people have seen Harvey and I even got a picture of him. So there! HA!

Ain't he cute?
Ok. On to menus.
Monday: Rabbit stew.......HA just kiddin. I couldn't get rid of sweet Harvey.
Monday: Stromboli (that I didn't cook last Friday)
Tuesday: Pork roast, rice and gravy, corn and green beans.....yawn.
Wednesday: Clean out the fridge night since we have plans with the family on Friday.
Thursday: Dinner with my Aunt and other family
Friday: Dinner on the town with the family.
Hope ya'll have a great week! Chat with ya later....
Mmm, pork chops. I haven't had those in a while.
God willing we will see y'all soon....I'm excited!
Sorry, that's not Harvey. I think that might be our long lost bunny, Bucky...Remind me to tell you about the story sometime.
That is a super imposed picture of some other rabbit posing as Harvey....The real Harvey walked on two feet.....: )
Next there will be lions, and tigers and bears oh my,,,in your yard.
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