No, I am not talking about potty training boys......although the title fits. I am talking about my kitchen faucet. With my old faucet, you had to hold your tongue right, stand on your head and cluck like a chicken to get it to completely turn off. If you didn't get it in the right position, drip, drip, drip......
AND, my squirty spray thingy didn't work. In fact that was the first thing to go (about 6 or 7 years ago) and I just learned to get along without it. Never even gave it another thought WONDERFUL hubby purchased us a new faucet and installed it.
Had you been peeping in my window, you may have seen me go in the kitchen, turn on the water for no apparent reason just to turn it off again and watch it ....not drip. I may have also been seen using the spray thingy for things that didn't necessarily need spraying. I am a happy girl. It doesn't take much folks. Not much at all.
This is a picture of the old faucet. Please note the corrosion around the center and base. Also please note that the round middle piece kept popping off and the base leaked as well. Notice the small puddle dripping down into the sink. I left the dirty dishes where they were for dramatic effect......

This is hubby patiently explaining to me that this is most certainly NOT blog fodder and under no circumstances should it appear on my blog.
I ignored that.
Please note his furry helper behind him.....
TAAA DAAAA!! A pretty shiny new kitchen faucet that does not leak and has a functional squirty thingy.
Happy girl.....
"Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord", Ephesians 5:22. Meaning, when they say "this is not blog fodder", it is NOT blog fodder.
Oh well, at least you didn't post any of my plumber's butt sticking out from under the sink.
I'm glad you're a happy girl...
Gene, everything is blog fodder. I'm pretty sure that is the little known 11th commandment. Thou shalt bloggeth about whatever stricketh thy fancy.
Robin, thank you for not showing any plumber's crack shots.
Nice looking faucet.
Ohhhh...very pretty for a sink and having a squirty thing is great
Congratulations! I too am excited by the smallest things, that is probably why we are such happy girls most of the time!
Nice faucet, and great job Gene. Glad I didn't have to see your crack either. I would have been scarred for life :)
Yeah...what's up with the hubbies saying what can, and cannot, be on the blog? Mine said I absolutely may not, under any circumstances, post the pic I took of him peeing in the woods at Yosemite last week. Oops! Cat's out of the bag now!
I, too, am thankful you just say no to crack!
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