After their introduction to Noah, he proclaimed "they're SO CUTE!" and promptly dubbed them Max and Zach. Noah then moved one of his small chairs directly in front of the tank so he could observe them up close and personal. Never mind that the chair is now blocking our matters not to the boy. It is for his convenience, not ours (just between you and me, the chair is being moved as soon as he isn't paying attention.....)Ok. On with the photos.....
This is Zach. He is a red eared slider.

And this is Max. He is a yellow belly um.....something or another......I am such a bad turtle mother! I can't remember my new fella's exact species....sigh.

This is Noah's new observation post.

Aunt Jeanie really knows how to make a little guy smile!

Ok. I am no longer gritting my teeth. I do really love the new additions to my family. I agree with Noah. They ARE really cute! Gene is enjoying them as well and the other two boy fella's seem to think they are pretty cool. The doggies don't really seem to care about them BUT there is someone that is very perplexed about the situation.............

I was able to read her thoughts earlier and this is what I received.........."I have GOT to find a way in there. OH LOOK! There is a little hole at the top here and I think I can get my paw down in there.......DRATS! I can't reach the water.....CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TAKE THIS TOP OFF SO I CAN GET IN THERE AND CAPTURE MY NEW TOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Aunt Jeanie. You are the best!
Welcome to the new additions.
We have two turtles names Steve and Irwin.
It's a pain to keep their tanks clean, but other than that they are pretty cool pets.
We also have 2 turtles that are now 11 years old. The only problem with our turtles is that they are not little any longer and we had to go to a 75 gallon tank with the water fall to let them swim. We were given these by our preaches wife that hatched them in her window sill. We started in the small green turtle bowl and have steadily moved up over the years. I get teased alot about my little pets from friends that think I need to set them free. They really are cool to watch and make great conversation pieces in the living room.
Aww! Noah is growing so much! Congrats on the new pets, I know they will have the best home at your house. So cute!
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