Monday, April 28, 2008

Monday menus and other business.....

Sorry about the week off. I hope no body was harmed because of me not posting a menu last week. I would hate to feel responsible for any family not being fed *insert silly grin here*.

We have been pretty busy here at the Smiff household. Lots of things going on but not much getting done! I sometimes feel as if I am trying to run in mud.....not that I really run all that much. I have a firm belief that one should only run if one is being chased by something very a grizzly bear, or a mugger, or an angry mob, or a mutant swarm of bees.....well, you get the idea. I don't do running. Anyway, back to my feelings. I feel like I have been so very very busy but haven't accomplished a darn thing. Do you ever feel that way? I don't especially like it. I also feel as if I have been in somewhat of a fog. That isn't helping me accomplish much either. Oh well, I am pretty sure my family has had most of the required meals, I think...and they have clean clothes, most likely.......and they are all safe and happy.....ok, they aren't miserable....much.
I hope I recover from whatever it is that ails me soon so I can get back into enjoying life and accomplishing.......stuff! When you are saying your prayers, send one up for me if you don't mind. thanks.

On to menus:
Monday: Marinated pork chops, San Fran treat, green beans, corn
Tuesday: Cheddar sausages, baked beans, fruit salad
Wednesday: Baked chicken, baked red skin potatoes, carrots, spinach
Thursday: Ham, mac and cheese, green beans
Friday: Meatball stroganoff over noodles, peas, salad

There you have it.
You know what might be fun? How about, in honor of the upcoming Mom's day, let me know your favorite meal that your mom used to cook for you. Just post it in the comments section so we can all enjoy it! Thanks in advance for playing!!! I will let you know mine in my next post. OH the suspense...........


Debby Vannoy said...

What a menu!!! Makes me hungry and I am full.

My favorite thing my mom used to cook - hmmmm. That is a hard one - she is a pretty good cook. It wasn't a meal but a dessert called chocolate pudding cake. My sisters and I loved it. The kicker is that it was from a mix and they don't make it any more. We have tried others but it just doesn't taste the same.

My Mom #2 (mother in law) was an awesome cook. I loved her fried chicken - she really knew how to do it right. I know Jordan (older son) loved her chicked salad and her Robert Redford dessert - with good reason. No one can make chicken salad like Mom (and I even have the recipe). It is just not the same. She also made a breakfast nut roll that was wonderful. Aunt Carra Lea (Robin's mom) can make that - and I LOVE it.

Now you've done it, I could eat again - but there is no way I can find all of these things...

Great idea about the posting!
Love --Debby

April said...

Aw, somehow I missed this one. Poo!

I will post one anyway.

My fav recipe that my Moma Rachel makes is fried chicken with gravy and mashed taters.

Which is weird because....

My fav recipe that my Moma Jan makes is also fried chicken with gravy and mashed taters.

Gosh, or Thanksgiving dinner from either one of them. We've got awesome cooks in our families!!!