Friday, July 25, 2008

Could I ask for some prayers?

I am sorry I have been absent for a while. Seems it is either feast or famine. I either have a lot to say but no time to say it or nothing to say and all the time in the world. Go figure. It seems it has been a little of both the last week or so.

One thing on my mind is this..... Little man went back to the dermatologist yesterday. (I was with him, I had to drive) Anyway, for those that may not know, he has some skin issues.

The original diagnosis was Childhood Psoriasis. When he was first diagnosed, he had just turned 4 and the Doctor was pretty sure his diagnosis was accurate. He said he could not be 100% positive without doing a biopsy and since Noah was so young, he didn't want to do one as it would be painful and the treatment would most likely be the same no matter what the diagnosis.

He is now 5 1/2 and still having flare ups. In fact, this last one is really bad. The treatment has been topical steroids. The worse the flare ups get, the stronger the meds need to be.

Everything you hear about steroid use is true, even with topical. It messes with his sleep pattern, makes him puffy, he is hungry all the time, and has emotional issues. Anyway, the doctor now wants to do the biopsy mainly to make a definite diagnosis and make sure we are on the right track in treatment.

I understand that.

I "get" that at this point it is necessary.

I am confident in the Doctor and I know he is going to do everything to make sure this procedure is as pain free as possible. But my heart just hurts for my little guy. I wish I could just offer up my body, tell the Doc to cut off whatever he needs just DON'T get near my guy with anything sharp! I know this isn't possible. I just don't want Noah to all.....ever.

A biopsy may not seem like a big deal to some of you. I guess when looking at the big picture, it really isn't a big deal, especially to those kids/parents suffering with cancer and other life threatening illnesses. I have always said that if Noah had to be afflicted with something that I am grateful that it is a minor skin issue. We are blessed. I know that.

Being this concerned/upset/anxious/unsettled and yes, worried about the unknown seems so silly when you think about what God did for us........How could he stand seeing His Son in such pain.

How did he bare it.

I am so grateful.

I am so blessed.


Anonymous said...

I will be praying. Both of my babies got shots today, and as we sat there, Carl and I each holding a child, one screaming her head off before the nurse even put the tray holding the syringes down, the other trying to comfort his sister with sweet words, Carl said to me, "I wish we could get these shots for them." I thought the same thing you did today. How did God send his son knowing what he knew.

Praise Him!

Anonymous said...

Lots of hugs and prayers for you and Noah. It is inevitable to let the mind take us to all the horrible places until the unknown is revealed. I do believe that the fact that GOD already knew made it more bareable somehow. Try to relax, refocus, pray, trust in God and not let the horrible thoughts take over tainting your mind. Don't focus on the pain of the procedure but on how to comfort your handsome little guy. ~Theresa

Annie said...

I will ne praying for your sweet little man and for you. Our children are a part of our heart walking around. We want to protect them from everything. As a human, Mary, felt these emotions even though she knew her son was not her own. Finding comfort in knowing our children are truly His and that He has it all under control is all we can do. I hope this goes as easy and painless as possible. Keep us updated!

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Wow. I will be praying. ANd I love your heart and how you ended this story. Thank you my friend.

Gene Smith said...

"Our children are a part of our heart walking around"

Great line, southern girl, and it holds for us fathers as well.