Saturday, February 23, 2008

This one is pretty cool......

My friend Wendy tagged me for this really cool meme. She is very sweet to tag me for these things cause she knows it makes me feel special and loved. This one is about books and ya'll know that I am really all about the book thing! Here goes.....

Here are the rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.

This is from the book I am currently reading for the 888 Challenge, "Double Shot" by Diane Mott Davidson.

I kicked the parking meter again. "Will you stop?" Marla Hollered. "Pay attention. I need you to tell me what to say to the cops. Quickly."

Ok, so technically that was more than three sentences but I thought it would be rude to cut Marla off in the middle of her desperation.

I really do like these novels by Davidson. They are listed as murder mysteries but they have humor and RECIPES!!!!! Yeah food! The main character happens to be a caterer that just stumbles into trouble and sticks her nose where it doesn't belong. These books are usually pretty quick reads for me. They catch my interest in the first chapter and I don't normally have to get up and log on the computer to look up a word I don't understand.
I am tagging the following peeps:

Tina M.
Debby V.
The first two tagged can do it by e-mail and get some others to join in that way! I am kinda hoping that they will join the blog world someday soon. Come on ya'll, it's fun! (peer pressure!)

1 comment:

April said...

Ok, here goes....You said the book nearest to me, well it just so happens my women's devotional Bible was the closest. Although, I could have pulled out one of Katie's biology or algebra under it. (but would I understand what I was typing?)
I know you think this is going to be some super great scripture, divine message from heaven right? It seems that page 123, the 5th sentence starts like this:
"But what about when you drive to the Chevron station to fill your tank with gas? Or when you count out coupons to the clerk at the supermarket? Or while you're waiting for the salesperson to wrap your purchase?"
How did that get into the Holy Bible you ask? Being a womans devotional it landed on the page titled "Spiritual Activities". How all our activities fall under "spiritual".
I guess even commenting on one's blog?
love ya