Saturday, February 2, 2008

This is so very cool......

I am so excited I could positively just .......tinkle! She gave me the very best of compliments. Click on over to Well Manered Frivolity and check her out. She has one of the best blogs ever and she recently took on a challenge to blog every day for a year. Let me tell you, I was one happy girl when she took on that challenge cause it meant I could pop on over there and get a giggle, a chuckle, shed a tear or send up a prayer every day. She is one awesome lady and I am so honored that she awarded me with this.....

I would like to pass this honor on to none other than Magner's Random Ramblings because I love that she does posts that are whatever is on her mind and in her heart. I would also like to nominate two new bloggers because I think they are doing an awesome job. So, hats off to mspatsplace and Three kids n 3 years . Thanks for all the good reads ya'll!

Oh! And guess what......I heard from two more friends/relatives (one is a relative that is also the best of friends and the other is a friend that just might as well be a relative!) anyway, they are loyal readers too. Folks, that means that there are six of you out there! (Still not going to get "the big head thought!)


Anonymous said...

Aw, shucks. Thanks for the kind words.

Annie said...

Thanks Robin! You are awesome!