Monday, February 25, 2008

Monday Menus

I decided that I would post the week's menu on my blog from now on. I usually do it on a piece of paper and sit it next to the fridge. By the end of the week, it has gotten schmootz on it and if the cat has spotted it, well, it will then have claw marks on it. I figured if I posted it on my blog, it wouldn't get messed up, shredded, or lost. You see, the thing is, I love to cook but I hate to plan what to cook so I figured this may make it a bit easier. Plus, if I can maybe talk the rest of you into doing it too, we could share menu ideas and make our lives much easier. Maybe we could even start doing some recipe sharing as well....who knows how big this thing could get. We could maybe even reach 10's of 20's of people!!! This could be HUGE!

ok. never mind about the HUGE thing....lets just share a few ideas between the six of us and see how that works.....

Monday: beef tacos with cheese, lettuce and tomatoes and maybe a smidgen of sour cream..., Spanish rice.

Tuesday: crock pot pork roast, collards, corn, mashed potatoes and pork gravy.

Wednesday: We are usually running around like crazy people so we grab something on the way to or from, lets just call Wednesday's a no-cook day from now on.

Thursday: Baked BBQ chicken, mac and cheese, and green beans

Friday: Breaded baked fish, (I trust the Gorton's fisherman) and any leftover veggies and things from the days before. Let's dub Friday's "clean out the fridge" night.

Saturday: Small group night. We usually all eat together. This week we will be having soup, salad and fresh fruit.

Well, there you have it. Sounds pretty good to me. Bon Appetite!


Anonymous said...

I'm available any night you would like me to come over:)

Annie said...

All that sounds yummy.
Can I just say that I could sit and watch your "live feed traffic" forever. haha It doesn't take much to amuse me.

Anonymous said...

Pencil me in for Tuesday night.:)
I love me some collard greens. And pork roast. And mashed potatoes. And...


April said...

This is an awesome idea Robin! When I make some time I will do the same. Reading yours will help me when my brain don't want to function.

Great job sweets!

GrandCanyonMom said...

When can I come over and eat?