Monday, June 9, 2008

Mass Confusion, Menus and Memes....

So. Whatcha been doin? Well, shortly after I made my last post, the plague ripped through the Smith household. Little man started it and middle guy finished it 7 days later with the rest of us falling like domino's in between. It wasn't that sweet little 24 hour bug either. It was that big- honkin -48 -hour -(or more) runnin -to -the -bathroom-body- aching-wishin -you -could -just -pass -on bug. The good thing was the little man got over it very quickly and was his normal happy self the next day. The bad thing was the little man was his normal happy self during the time that his father and I were having our near death experiences. Poor little guy would come and shake me into the here and now to ask for something to eat. I would reply, "just a minute baby" and a short time later I would hear him scooting a chair over to the counter to help himself to a banana or apple. Fortunately Gene started doing better a few hours after I fell victim, so the little man only had to fend for himself for a few hours. Well, we all lived to tell our harrowing experiences and are none the worse for wear. On the plus side, I did loose a couple of pounds. That's always a good thing, right?
That was the mass confusion part of the title. Now onto menus.....

Monday - Spaghetti with meat sauce
Tuesday - Roast beef, rice and gravy, green beans and maybe squash souffle'
Wednesday - Busy busy busy- grab your own dinner -thanks!
Thursday - Pork chops, onion soup potatoes, peas
Friday - Pepperoni and Canadian bacon Stromboli (with leftover sauce from Monday), salad.

Ok. Now for the meme. Mrs N. over at All That Naz has started a new one. 9 on the 9th. The object is to create a list of any 9 things on the 9th of each month. She promised a reminder for us and that's a good thing because I don't do well with remembering dates and stuff. For instance, I think little man's birthday is somewhere near the beginning of the year but I'm not sure. JUST KIDDIN! I know when his birthday is........I'm pretty sure......I think. Anyway, if she will stick to the reminder, probably I will stick with the meme.....most likely. Ok. I'll try.

So, drum roll please for the very first, soon to be monthly, 9 on the 9th meme.

9 things that make me smile.....

1. Little man's hugs and kisses, even when he is dirty/gooey/and or sweaty.
2. My husband's sense of humor.
3. Watching the middle guy squirm under the glare of my hairy eyeball when he has done something he shouldn't have, or not done something he should have.
4. When the cat beats up the dogs.
5. Scrap booking with my friends.
6. Singing and spending time with my cousins.
7. Flirting with my husband.
8. Playing cards/games with my whole family at my Aunt's house.
9. When kids mispronounce words.

There you have it. More information than you ever wanted!
Chat with ya later......


Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Thank you for playing! Loved your list. And I am so sorry you were so sick

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