2008 edition of getting to know your friends. Do this - just like the others. However answer with what you WISH your answer could be, or just be silly.
1. What is your occupation? Head Forensic Specialist at Quantico
2. What color are your socks right now? Dark blue with yellow writing saying "FBI"
3. What are you listening to right now? My husband excitedly watching a Braves game on his 17 foot wall mounted HDTV
4. What was the last thing that you ate? The most wonderful Fillet made by one of my 3 personal chefs
5. Can you drive a stick shift? Honey, I can drive just about anything!
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Gold, of course dahling...
7. Women: Bra Size 34 C
8.Last person you spoke to on the phone? My publicist, about my latest best seller.
9. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Of course. Who doesn't love Rachel Ray?
10. How old are you today? 27
11. Favorite drink? Fresh spring water with a twist of imported key lime served in a chilled glass rimmed in gold.
12. What is your favorite sport to watch? Oh whatever, whenever. When you own box seats in every stadium in the nation, every game is a party!
13. Have you ever dyed your hair? I have a personal hair dresser that changes it at my every whim.
14. Pets? Yes, 1247 if you include my no kill shelter and wildlife refuge.
15. Last movie you watched? Since I have so many connections in high places, I see them all before they are even released.
16. Favorite Day of the year? April 15th
17. What do you do to vent anger? Go to my personal gym for a nice workout, massage and steam bath.
18. What was your favorite toy as a child? Oh. I didn't have toys. We were missionaries in the Congo. I had a panther to play with.
19. What is your favorite season? It doesn't matter since I own homes all over the globe. If the weather doesn't suit me, I just hop on over to one with a more "compatible" season.
20. Hugs or kisses? Both please!
21. Cherry or Blueberry? I'll have my secretary decide for me later.
22. Do you want your friends to email you back? If they would like to but since I have bought them all houses near me, we can just get together to chat about it.
23. Who is most likely to respond? Fergie - either one.
24. Who is least likely to respond? My cousin Tina. I think she is touring promoting her latest movie.
25. When was the last time you cried? When Angelina decided to have the twins in France instead of my personal compound.
26. What is on the floor of your closet? My closet has been specifically designed to never have anything on the floor. A place for everything and everything in its place. (I'm gonna get struck by lightning for that one!)
27. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending this to? I could tell you but then I'd have to shoot you.
29. Who is the friend you have had the shortest that you are sending this to? I could tell you but then I'd have to shoot you.
30. Favorite smells? My freshly landscaped estate by my team of experts.
31. Who inspires you? Our military (this is true)
32. What are you afraid of ? Dust bunnies. (this is also true)
34. Favorite car? You know, I really miss the Pacer but I'll have to say anything that is armored.
35. Favorite cat breed? Panther
36. Number of keys on your key ring? I have staff that takes care of those things.
37. How many years at your current job? 8 (I was the youngest Head Forensic Specialist....ever)
38. Favorite day of the week? Every day is good when you are me.
39. How many states have you lived in? I have homes in all of them.
40. Do you think you're funny? Um....yes....duh!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
And your point is.......
A study conducted by UCLA's Department of Psychiatry has revealed that
the kind of face a woman finds attractive on a man can differ depending
on where she is in her menstrual cycle.
For example: If she is ovulating, she is attracted to men with rugged
and masculine features. However, if she is menstruating, or menopausal,
she tends to be more attracted to a man with duct tape over his mouth
and a spear lodged in his chest while he is on fire.
No further studies are expected.
OK. I see absolutely nothing wrong in these findings........sounds pretty reasonable to me. Have I mentioned lately that I am menopausal?
Disclaimer: No husbands were harmed during this post. My husband is wonderful and this study is most certainly not directed at him. This was purely for entertainment purposes only.
A study conducted by UCLA's Department of Psychiatry has revealed that
the kind of face a woman finds attractive on a man can differ depending
on where she is in her menstrual cycle.
For example: If she is ovulating, she is attracted to men with rugged
and masculine features. However, if she is menstruating, or menopausal,
she tends to be more attracted to a man with duct tape over his mouth
and a spear lodged in his chest while he is on fire.
No further studies are expected.
OK. I see absolutely nothing wrong in these findings........sounds pretty reasonable to me. Have I mentioned lately that I am menopausal?
Disclaimer: No husbands were harmed during this post. My husband is wonderful and this study is most certainly not directed at him. This was purely for entertainment purposes only.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Monday Menus and Random Thoughts.....
Howdy. Did you have a good weekend? We had a good one. Had a great time celebrating Dad's and husbands. My pops is an awesome dad and my hubs is a fantastic dad and spouse. If you really want to know how I feel about pops just check this out. If you wanna read more about my terrific hubs just click here. Go ahead. I'll wait.
After church, we went to mom and pops and had a wonderful meal....mom is a really good cook ya know. We then just enjoyed each other's company for a while, played a couple of games with the little man. The only problem with playing games with him is that the rules often change to suit him. I'm not gonna say he cheats but ya know, if the shoe fits.....
Why is it that after you do yard work, your body gets mad? Ok. My body gets mad. It's not like I NEVER do yard work, it's just that I don't do it as often as I should. When I do, apparently I use muscles that I normally don't use during regular everyday living. It's like a vicious cycle. I do yard work. I hurt. I swear never to do yard work again. I feel guilty cause the yard needs work and I can't expect hubs to do it all. SO, I do yard work. I hurt. I swear never to do yard work again.......you get the idea. OH! And why oh why is it that if there are biting ants within a 5 mile radius, I will step in them? I now have 47 ant bites on my feet......ok. I only have 6.... but they hurt!!! By the way, we did yard work Saturday. That's what brought on this little rant, in case you were wonderin.
I just love critters. What brought that on you ask? Just lookin at the kitty, lookin at the turtles, still after all this time tryin to figure out how to get in that darn glass box! Also, we have rabbits in our neck of the woods. There are a couple that spend quite a bit of time in our yard. One of them is pretty big and solid white. For a while, no one had seen him but me. My bff started calling him Harvey and accusing me of imagining him. Well, since then, a number of people have seen Harvey and I even got a picture of him. So there! HA!

After church, we went to mom and pops and had a wonderful meal....mom is a really good cook ya know. We then just enjoyed each other's company for a while, played a couple of games with the little man. The only problem with playing games with him is that the rules often change to suit him. I'm not gonna say he cheats but ya know, if the shoe fits.....
Why is it that after you do yard work, your body gets mad? Ok. My body gets mad. It's not like I NEVER do yard work, it's just that I don't do it as often as I should. When I do, apparently I use muscles that I normally don't use during regular everyday living. It's like a vicious cycle. I do yard work. I hurt. I swear never to do yard work again. I feel guilty cause the yard needs work and I can't expect hubs to do it all. SO, I do yard work. I hurt. I swear never to do yard work again.......you get the idea. OH! And why oh why is it that if there are biting ants within a 5 mile radius, I will step in them? I now have 47 ant bites on my feet......ok. I only have 6.... but they hurt!!! By the way, we did yard work Saturday. That's what brought on this little rant, in case you were wonderin.
I just love critters. What brought that on you ask? Just lookin at the kitty, lookin at the turtles, still after all this time tryin to figure out how to get in that darn glass box! Also, we have rabbits in our neck of the woods. There are a couple that spend quite a bit of time in our yard. One of them is pretty big and solid white. For a while, no one had seen him but me. My bff started calling him Harvey and accusing me of imagining him. Well, since then, a number of people have seen Harvey and I even got a picture of him. So there! HA!

Ain't he cute?
Ok. On to menus.
Monday: Rabbit stew.......HA just kiddin. I couldn't get rid of sweet Harvey.
Monday: Stromboli (that I didn't cook last Friday)
Tuesday: Pork roast, rice and gravy, corn and green beans.....yawn.
Wednesday: Clean out the fridge night since we have plans with the family on Friday.
Thursday: Dinner with my Aunt and other family
Friday: Dinner on the town with the family.
Hope ya'll have a great week! Chat with ya later....
Friday, June 13, 2008
I Do Cakes.....
A long time ago in a land far far away, I used to decorate cakes. Ok, it wasn't far far away but it was a long time ago. I did a lot of cakes. I did so many Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that I know their names, special colors and special weapons by heart without having to look it up....and I didn't have any kids of my own back then. I did so many cakes that I got very burnt out and didn't eat cake for 6 years. Ok, I lied. I did eat cake, but I didn't bake them or decorate them. Well, when Noah was born I started doing a few cakes here and there to include his birthday cakes (with the exception of his 2nd birthday cake which I purchased and have to this day not lived down). I am by no means a professional but I enjoy it and I try hard! I am going to post a few pictures, not because I want the six of you to say nice things, but because I have now had a few people ask me to. So here are a few of my favorites.........

Friday the 13th......
Is anyone out there superstitious? I'm not. Never really have been. I have worked with people in the past that would NOT come to work on Friday the 13th. I kinda think it's silly. What do you think?
I thought it might be fun to do a top ten list of things people are superstitions about but I don't think I can think of that many. Can ya'll help?
1. Friday the 13th
2. Black cats crossing their path (I usually just pet them if they cross my path.....)
3. Walking under a ladder
4. Stepping on a crack
5. Throw salt over your shoulder after spilling it
6. I'm done.....help please.
I'm sure there are more out there. Help me out my friends!
I thought it might be fun to do a top ten list of things people are superstitions about but I don't think I can think of that many. Can ya'll help?
1. Friday the 13th
2. Black cats crossing their path (I usually just pet them if they cross my path.....)
3. Walking under a ladder
4. Stepping on a crack
5. Throw salt over your shoulder after spilling it
6. I'm done.....help please.
I'm sure there are more out there. Help me out my friends!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Mass Confusion, Menus and Memes....
So. Whatcha been doin? Well, shortly after I made my last post, the plague ripped through the Smith household. Little man started it and middle guy finished it 7 days later with the rest of us falling like domino's in between. It wasn't that sweet little 24 hour bug either. It was that big- honkin -48 -hour -(or more) runnin -to -the -bathroom-body- aching-wishin -you -could -just -pass -on bug. The good thing was the little man got over it very quickly and was his normal happy self the next day. The bad thing was the little man was his normal happy self during the time that his father and I were having our near death experiences. Poor little guy would come and shake me into the here and now to ask for something to eat. I would reply, "just a minute baby" and a short time later I would hear him scooting a chair over to the counter to help himself to a banana or apple. Fortunately Gene started doing better a few hours after I fell victim, so the little man only had to fend for himself for a few hours. Well, we all lived to tell our harrowing experiences and are none the worse for wear. On the plus side, I did loose a couple of pounds. That's always a good thing, right?
That was the mass confusion part of the title. Now onto menus.....
Monday - Spaghetti with meat sauce
Tuesday - Roast beef, rice and gravy, green beans and maybe squash souffle'
Wednesday - Busy busy busy- grab your own dinner -thanks!
Thursday - Pork chops, onion soup potatoes, peas
Friday - Pepperoni and Canadian bacon Stromboli (with leftover sauce from Monday), salad.
Ok. Now for the meme. Mrs N. over at All That Naz has started a new one. 9 on the 9th. The object is to create a list of any 9 things on the 9th of each month. She promised a reminder for us and that's a good thing because I don't do well with remembering dates and stuff. For instance, I think little man's birthday is somewhere near the beginning of the year but I'm not sure. JUST KIDDIN! I know when his birthday is........I'm pretty sure......I think. Anyway, if she will stick to the reminder, probably I will stick with the meme.....most likely. Ok. I'll try.
So, drum roll please for the very first, soon to be monthly, 9 on the 9th meme.
9 things that make me smile.....
1. Little man's hugs and kisses, even when he is dirty/gooey/and or sweaty.
2. My husband's sense of humor.
3. Watching the middle guy squirm under the glare of my hairy eyeball when he has done something he shouldn't have, or not done something he should have.
4. When the cat beats up the dogs.
5. Scrap booking with my friends.
6. Singing and spending time with my cousins.
7. Flirting with my husband.
8. Playing cards/games with my whole family at my Aunt's house.
9. When kids mispronounce words.
There you have it. More information than you ever wanted!
Chat with ya later......
That was the mass confusion part of the title. Now onto menus.....
Monday - Spaghetti with meat sauce
Tuesday - Roast beef, rice and gravy, green beans and maybe squash souffle'
Wednesday - Busy busy busy- grab your own dinner -thanks!
Thursday - Pork chops, onion soup potatoes, peas
Friday - Pepperoni and Canadian bacon Stromboli (with leftover sauce from Monday), salad.
Ok. Now for the meme. Mrs N. over at All That Naz has started a new one. 9 on the 9th. The object is to create a list of any 9 things on the 9th of each month. She promised a reminder for us and that's a good thing because I don't do well with remembering dates and stuff. For instance, I think little man's birthday is somewhere near the beginning of the year but I'm not sure. JUST KIDDIN! I know when his birthday is........I'm pretty sure......I think. Anyway, if she will stick to the reminder, probably I will stick with the meme.....most likely. Ok. I'll try.
So, drum roll please for the very first, soon to be monthly, 9 on the 9th meme.
9 things that make me smile.....
1. Little man's hugs and kisses, even when he is dirty/gooey/and or sweaty.
2. My husband's sense of humor.
3. Watching the middle guy squirm under the glare of my hairy eyeball when he has done something he shouldn't have, or not done something he should have.
4. When the cat beats up the dogs.
5. Scrap booking with my friends.
6. Singing and spending time with my cousins.
7. Flirting with my husband.
8. Playing cards/games with my whole family at my Aunt's house.
9. When kids mispronounce words.
There you have it. More information than you ever wanted!
Chat with ya later......
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