Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I have a new friend......

And her name is Robyn too.....only she spells it wrong..hee hee. You know how in the real world you may meet someone through a friend of a friend? Well, I met Robyn through a blog of a blog. How cool is that I ask? She is a pastor's wife, mommy to two precious little boys and they live up there in Michigan..brrrr! Well, she tagged me for a "6 random things" meme and even though I bored you with one not too long ago, I am gonna play. Turns out from reading her beautiful blog,
Overflowing Grace (isn't that a wonderful name?)that we have a little more in common than just our name. One of them is on her blog design....dragonflies. I just happen to have dragonflies in our master bathroom.....drats, I shoulda saved that for one of my random things! Oh well, lets get started shall we?

The rules for this meme are:
(1) Link to the person that tagged you.
(2) Post the rules on your blog.
(3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
(4) Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
(5) Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

My six random things are....drum roll please....

1. I, like Robyn, have moved a lot. Pops was in the Navy and thanks to Uncle Sam, I was blessed to have lived in 6 different states (a couple of them twice) and once over seas in the Philippine Islands. The states are, Connecticut, Tennessee (twice), Hawaii (twice), Virginia, Illinois and South Carolina.

2. I, like Robyn, am also an only child. No one to blame the broken stuff on but then again, I didn't have to share the hugs and kisses either. Hey, you take the good with the bad and I would rather have hugs than a scapegoat any day!

3. This one is where she and I flip flop. I really like spiders. I used to be afraid of them which is why I will never make fun of her. I understand. What changed you ask? (this is where I am pretending that you really care, makes me feel good don't ya know) Well, a very industrious banana spider took up residence outside in the front yard. He or she decorated it very nicely with the most beautiful web I have ever seen. For those that don't know, a banana spider is very VERY large and they make webs in which they can be comfortable...say it with me....very VERY large. Anyway, my dh Gene, promised that Barry (the spider) would not hurt me and convinced me that if I would just observe said spider, I would change my mind. Well, it worked and I now really like spiders. If they promise to be of the non poisonous type, I will let them reside in my home.....

4. This one kind of connects with #3. I SOBBED OUT LOUD when Charlotte died in Charlotte's Web. (the one with the real animals..)

5. My two cravings when I was pregnant were onions and fish....not at the same time. What I find very funny is that two of Noah's favorite foods are onions and fish...not at the same time.

6. About 8 years ago, I told dh that the next male dog we had, I wanted to name him Jack. Well, a few weeks after that conversation, my VBFF found a little black puppy and brought him to our house to see if I thought he was ok and would I keep him until we could find a home. Dh immediately dubbed him Jack and showed him his new home. During the home tour I was following behind saying "He is NOT staying" and here it is, 8 years later and we STILL have not found a home for "Jack".

I just love learnin new stuff about folks so if you want to play along, and you need some blog fodder, please feel free!


April said...

I haven't smacked Bill yet. Am still waiting for the perfect time. BTW thanks for the permission to do so :) So glad you finally came around for the appreciation of spideys. I like them too as long as their legs aren't longer than mine :) Thanks for my comments love. I certainly am a loyal reader of yours. It may be sporadic but I am still loyal! Love you!

Pat said...

I like banana spiders, too! But I draw the line at spiders living in the house!