Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ten reasons I just LOVE that man of mine.....

Since it is that time of year again I thought I would share some things about my wonderful guy. I will never be able to really express how much knowing him has changed my many ways, he saved my life. Let me explain. When I met Gene, my marriage of 10 years was ending and the very LAST thing in the world I wanted was a man in my life. Obviously, Gene changed my thinking! He became my friend. Just my friend. No expectations, no quid pro quo, nothing but friendship. He made me feel valuable, important and special. He proved in many many ways, that I could trust him and I could be myself with him and most of all, I could learn to love again.

Not too long after we met and started to become friends, I became very ill. I had a very high fever and when I called in to work to let them know I wouldn't be in, I didn't make much sense. My boss knew Gene and I had become friends so she called him and told him that I was sick. To make a long story a little shorter, he came to my house, took me to my doctor, took me to the hospital for tests and back to my doctor for the results. I had an abscessed kidney and unless there was someone at home to take care of me, I would have to be hospitalized. To my surprise, Gene told him I did have someone to take care of me....him. Gene stayed with me day and night until the danger had passed. He took me daily to my doctor for antibiotic shots and other treatments. He lost his job because he took care of me. Let that sink in ya'll. He Lost His Job. For me. A new friend, that needed help. I was more important than his job. Me.

Here are just 10 of the reasons I love him. As with all my top ten lists, random order:

1. He is a wonderful Daddy to the boys. A perfect balance between fun and stern. I hope they grow up to be just like him!

2. He makes me laugh. Sometimes a giggle, sometimes a belly laugh and sometime a "don't do that while I am drinking cause liquid comes out my nose" laugh. This man is funny ya'll!

3. He is smart. No. I mean he is wicked scary smart! Seriously folks!

4. He has strong morals. He obeys the laws and follows the rules. He doesn't even speed ya'll....makes me crazy sometimes

5. He makes beautiful music. I love to hear him play his guitar. He is so very talented!

6. He loves our God. He works hard for the kingdom. He gives God the credit for his talents and gifts.

7. He believes that people are more important than "stuff" and he lives life that way.

8. He loves me unconditionally. Ya'll have no idea how hard it is to live with me. He doesn't get mad at me when I mess up....a lot....pray for Gene, will ya?

9. He loves and accepts all of my friends and family. (this is a tough one ya'll......some of my friends and family threatened his life before we got married. Actually, a few even threatened him on our wedding day!)

10. He is a really good kisser! (I put this one in here cause some of my friends and family kind of freak out when Gene and I get mushy......but he really is a good kisser!)

Happy Valentine's Day honey. When I count my blessings, I count you twice.......


April said...

Awwww! Thank God for Gene. He really is wonderful. Even if he is an atrocious Gators fan! I love this post Robin. Our men deserve credit for how fabulous they are. And how they do love us no matter what. Happy Vday to youns!

Anonymous said...

Robin, that was so sweet it brought a little tear to my eye. And I'm just a tad cynical. You guys are a great couple! Happy Valentine's Day

Gene Smith said...

*sniff* That was beautiful, honey. Maybe one day you can introduce me to this guy, he sounds pretty cool.


Angela Nazworth said...

I'm behind on blog reading...but I am so glad I did not miss this beautiful post. What a special man for a special woman.

Angela Nazworth said...

Oh My Gosh....Gene a GATOR??? I didn't know that. We are GATORS! CHOMP CHOMP

Jeanie said...

I could have done without the visuals of mushy stuff......He is an okay guy, I gues....but I still knew you first....

Love Ya
#1 BFF