He really had a wonderful birthday. It started with a wonderful homemade Sunday dinner of his favorite things. Nonna really outdid herself BIG TIME! Turkey, dressing, mashed pots and gravy, green beans, broccoli, corn, scalloped apples, chinese slaw and piping hot rolls. YUM! It was all wonderful and Noah ate till I thought he would pop! In addition to turkey, corn and a few green beans, the boy had 4 rolls ya'll, FOUR. We waddled home that evening with enough leftovers to feed a small army, (or my family of men) and tried our hardest not to fall into a turkey induced coma...
On Monday, his actual birthday, we had big plans. In the morning he helped me decorate his cake. He told me where to put the clouds, train tracks and he finally allowed me to put a few red flowers in the grass for color....as long as they were red....only red. He then, after long consideration, decided which trains to place on the tracks and in what order. This apparently was some sort of life changing decision.......oh for cryin out loud just pick a train and put it on the cake already! (that was what I said in my head) I think that with his talent and my luck, the cake turned out pretty darn good!

After a few unsuccessful

TA DA!!!!!!!!!!!!

We then left the house of the mouse to join some more extended family for a dinner at Noah's favorite Mexican eatery. The food was yum, the company wonderful and included Nonna, Poppy, Debbie, Aunt Jeanie and Mr. Andy. Miss Carol, Miss Heather, Jayden and Zavy joined us too since they weren't able to go to Chuck's place with us. We had not seen them in a while and it was fun to see the boys have fun together.

He was spoiled as usual (I thought I told you people NO GIFTS!!!) and among the way too many gifts, he also received some gift cards.......which we went to spend today.
He got three cards so we picked out three things. When we went to the cashier, he explained to her which toy belonged with which gift card and who each card was from. I guess my explanation worked because he definitely understands which toy is from which loved one!
Yep. The little man had a great day. Thank you to everyone that helped make it so special.
FIVE YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday to Noah! What sweet celebrations he had! That cake looked awesome. You go Betty C.
Happy birthday, Noah! Sounds like a good time was had by all. That cake was amazing. You have a real talent!
My dudes will be 5 next month. The time is flying by too quickly.
Awww! I was ooohing and ahhing the whole time I read this post!
The cake looks fantastic and I KNOW it tasted even yummier than it looks. I am so glad Noah had a great birfday.
Shoot, Bill and I should have drove down Sunday. Had I known Carra Lea was gonna pile on a spread like that we would have! Those Dugger women sure do know how to cook. Yum yum.
Happy birthday to Noah...I am so proud of him for turning 5!
We love you Robin and we are coming to visit sometime. Just don't know when yet :) Until then I can get my dose of you from this fabulous blog. Keep 'em coming!
Happy Be-lated birthday, Noah! Looks like a great 5th birthday!
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