Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the 13th......

Is anyone out there superstitious? I'm not. Never really have been. I have worked with people in the past that would NOT come to work on Friday the 13th. I kinda think it's silly. What do you think?
I thought it might be fun to do a top ten list of things people are superstitions about but I don't think I can think of that many. Can ya'll help?

1. Friday the 13th
2. Black cats crossing their path (I usually just pet them if they cross my path.....)
3. Walking under a ladder
4. Stepping on a crack
5. Throw salt over your shoulder after spilling it
6. I'm please.

I'm sure there are more out there. Help me out my friends!


Anonymous said...

Don't go out through a different door you came in through.

Don't wash clothes on New Year's Day or someone you love will die.

Don't let anyone vacuum or sweep under your feet or you will never get married.

If you dream that a loved one dies that means they are going to get married.

And my own personal favorite--Every stitch you sew on the Sabbath you will have to pull out with your teeth in hell.

Tell Gene that I may be a political idiot, but I'm very knowledgeable about obscure superstitions :)

I told Bill that now that he has a hula girl tattoo he had to help out at VBS this year.

Annie said...

~opening an unbrella inside means you will never get married

~Picking up a coin on tails = bad luck

~breaking a mirror= bad luck

~Letting the salt and pepper seperate at the dinner table = someone at the table will never marry

~Hand itches on the inside= getting money and hand itches on the outside=owe money (I may have that backwards)

~nose itches= someone is coming to visit

~Ear itches= someone is talking about you

~When walking with your partner, and coming to something that you must seperate to walk around, you must go to the same side or have bad luck.

That's all I got, I think.

Oh, lastly, there is a trail at Clemson and the saying is if you walk hand in hand with it from one end to the other with someone, that is who you will marry. Brian made me walk this trail AND THEN told me I had sealed my fait. LOL

I have about a BILLION Clemson superstitions about stuff like that, but I won't bore you with them.

Gene Smith said...

Wendy, I don't think you're a political idiot, you just get your head and your heart mixed up sometimes, which is not an altogether bad thing!

Hi Honey! Shall we list all of the baseball superstitions??


Anonymous said...

I would help but I am laid up with a broken back. Brennan was stepping on cracks happily and singing away about how that would not be good for me. Oh the love the boy feels for me:)

Anonymous said...

I know you don't think I'm a political idiot. I was just being silly. I can't help it if you have weird political ideas :)

Gene Smith said...

See now, Wendy, I was trying to be nice, but game on! (in love, of course...)

April said...

Ya know, I didn't even know that yesterday was Friday the 13th until I read this, but it explains a lot!

Yesterday was a rough day and though I've never been much on superstition, I am now!!!!