Saturday, May 17, 2008

I am loved so much that it just might hurt.....

While talking to my folks today at lunch, my mom said (quite sternly and using her mom voice) "DO NOT GO OFF YOUR MEDICINE AGAIN."
I then told her about the comment that my friend at Well Mannered Frivolity made after my last post:

"First off I want to give you a cyber hug and tell you that I love you and that I will be praying for you. Now for the mean part-If you ever decide to go off you meds again please let me know so I can thunk you on the forehead. :)"

My sweet mother then said....."Tell her she will have to stand in line to thunk you...and the line will be long"

Kinda makes me feel all mushy and gooey inside. My family and friends just oooooze love, don't they!

It will take a few more days for me to start feeling the affects of the medication but I am feeling a little better just knowing that I will start feeling better soon. Thanks for all your messages of love and friendship, your phone calls, and your prayers. I am just plain blessed.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was a little worried I had stepped over the line with my thunking remark, but I guess as long as I am in league with your mother I'm
Here's am order for you--GET BETTER!
