Monday, March 3, 2008

Monday Menus

Update*** Because I was still feeling bad, my wonderful husband provided the dinner for Monday......he ordered pizza. I said he provided, not cooked. Remember, he is feelin poopie too. Anyway, the bottom line is, he took care of dinner so I didn't have to cook.....that deserves a big pat on the back. Thanks honey!

I have been trying to get sick since last Wednesday or so. I refused. My body didn't care that I was in denial so I finally had to give in.....I'm sick. So is Gene. We are doing the tag team thing.....he naps a while then I nap a while. So far it is working out well. I am actually feeling a little better today so I think I see light at the end of the tunnel. Gee, I hope I really am getting better and it's not THE light.....
Anyway, THANKFULLY, the boys are not sick. Please pray that the boys continue to stay well and that Gene and I get better soon. Thanks.
As far as the menu goes, nothin fancy this time!

Monday: breakfast - eggs, toast.....comfort food.
Tuesday: Marinated chicken tenders, green beans, fried rice
Wednesday: No cook day
Thursday: Spaghetti, salad, garlic bread
Friday: Pork chops, mashed pots and gravy, honeyed carrots, spinach

Ya'll have a good week! Hopefully I will be back soon......yawn....sniff, cough, sneeze, tinkle, oops.


April said...

Don't do it Robin! Don't give in to the plague!

Ha! Tag-teaming is exactly what Bill and I did this time. Usually he is the only one who gets sick but this time he took me down with him. Dayng it!

I will give Jan a big ol hug and kiss for you, she loves and adores you of course. She is the greatest ain't she!

And I want you to know that while I was reading your post my devil cat was laying on top of the computer desk. Unknowingly I was playing with his paw and as I hooped and hollered over the "tag team" idea his claw submerged itsself into my thumb for a full two seconds. He makes me really mad sometimes.

BTW I am really enjoying this. Me keeping up with you and you keeping up with me. It is very nice!!

Pat said...

You always make me laugh!!!!

Angela Nazworth said...

I'm sorry you're sick and amazed that you can be so doggone funny even when you're under the weather. :-)