Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Monday Menus and other stuff....

Well, I think dh and I are finally on the mend. My poor husband was mostly like the energizer rabbit guy. Bless his heart, he just kept going and going. I am glad he is finally feeling better!
My sneezing, coughing, sniffling, tinkling thing kind of morphed into a stomach, headache, general yucky thing. Yesterday, the stomach thing morphed into a back ache which for me involves bulging disks pressing onto nerves thing. I'm not whining really, just explaining my absence from bloggy land. I try to keep up with the following attitude......if I wake up breathing, I am blessed. If I can get out of the bed, I am twice blessed. If I have a spring in my step, I am three times blessed! There you have it!
On to the menu planning.....

Monday: We were honored to share a wonderful meal with the JOY group from our church. JOY stands for Just Older Youth....it is an exclusive club...you have to be 50 or older. If ya'll have not had the privilege of meeting these precious people, you can get to know them by helping out! Just email seniors@riverbluff.org. By the way, we got to share that meal because my dh hooked up with cBoz's main squeeze and entertained the masses. They did some foot stompin bluegrass and gospel music and a good time was had by all!

Now, back to the menu....sorry.
Tuesday: Fried chicken, the San Francisco treat, green beans, corn and rolls.
Wednesday: No cook day
Thursday: Roast beef, carrots, mashed pots and gravy, peas.
Friday: Baked pasta* and spinach.

*This is my own creation.....I use some kind of corkscrew pasta shape, mix it with spaghetti sauce(I try to make a double batch when I make spaghetti so I will have left over for this dish), pepperoni, Canadian bacon, onions, green pepper and mozzarella cheese. Toss it in a big ole baking dish, top with some more cheese and bake till bubbly. YUM!

On another note......the following conversation just happened in Smithville. If you have teenage boys, I'm sure it has happened to you in some variation. For those of you that do not have teenage boys yet, just take note and prepare.....it is coming.

Oldest boy: (holding a bag of microwave popcorn)How long do you cook this? Every time I do it, it burns....I follow the directions....
Me: Well, how long do the directions say to cook it?
Oldest boy: 1 minute to 1 minute and 30 seconds.....
Me: Well, how long do you cook it?
Oldest boy: I don't know, 2 minutes I guess.....
Me: WHY are you cooking it for 2 minutes when it says to only cook it for 1? THAT is why it is burning.....the longer you cook something, the more likely it is to OVERCOOK!!
Oldest boy: oh.

AHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!! If you need me, I will be repeatedly hitting my head against the wall.......pass the aspirin please.


Pat said...

Did you know that if your microwave popcorn happens to catch on fire, it will ruin your microwave?

April said...

Shoo, well you won't have to worry 'bout him bugging you to go to culinary school! Hopefully he will be a lawyer or something :)

I been distracted to house hunting etc so not been on here. I am a horrid cousin! But I am back now and look forward to more posts by you. Love you doll, bunches!