I've heard it said that whatever you do on New Years Day, beginning at 12:00 a.m. and throughout the day, will be what you do all year. I heard this about 10 years or so ago. Since then I have kept that in mind and really tried to do something fun or relaxing on January 1st. I never ever did anything remotely "unfun" like housework, laundry or cleaning out the refrigerator......ewwww. I mean, who wants to do housework the rest of the year.....
I can't really say that this little superstition has rung true in past years but just in case, I decided to do some things different this first day of 2009. At midnight, I kissed my husband and my little boy then wished them a Happy New Year. Shortly after that I read little guy a nice long bedtime story, got lots of snuggles, said prayers and kissed him goodnight (I normally do this anyway.Wouldn't miss it!) . I then finished a load of laundry, started the dishwasher, fed the turtles and headed for bed. I got comfy or as comfy as you can get with a kitten on your chest, read my book for a short while, told my sweet honey goodnight and drifted off. I had a wonderful night's rest, a full 8 hours, and woke up feeling really good.

This morning I did relax for a little while, reading in bed and talking with my husband but then I got moving. I talked to mom, cooked breakfast (ham and cheese omelets), talked on the phone with a good friend, peeled and sectioned a whole bag of grapefruit so it didn't spoil and go to waste. I emptied the dishwasher, did more laundry, played with Noah, fixed lunch.. cheddar sausages for the guys and I had my leftovers from dinner out last night, did more laundry and de-boned the leftover turkey. I did a quick clean out of the refrigerator (not thorough but good enough until I have the time to really get in the crevices), read email, checked in on a few friends, talked to my pops, played a couple of games, did more laundry, and cooked dinner. Before going to bed tonight, I WILL do another load of laundry, clean up the kitchen, load and start the dishwasher, wash pots pans and other misc items, bathe the boy, read a bed time story, feed the turtles, head for bed, do bible study and quiet time, get comfy with a kitten on my chest, read, talk with my sweet honey and drift off.........
This New Years Day, I did what I want to be doing in 2009. I did the things that needed done, things that should have been done plus a few things I wanted to do. I think that's a nice balance. I believe that is what God expects of me this year. To take care of my family and friends. To take care of myself. To get things done. To serve.
I think I'm gonna like 2009.
What did you do today?
I like that. I did the same philosophy without even realizing it. Bonded over shopping with the boys while Ted and Kaitlyn had Daddy/Daughter time (shopping), decluttered house, vacuumed, hung out with family, old friends, and met some new friends, and laughed with the kids. Sounds like a great way to spend 2009.
Robin, so good to hear from you! I slept in after being up WAY late ringing in the New Year with new neighbors, watched the Rose Bowl parade, cuddled with a girl and read with her, cuddled with a boy and watched a movie with him, and finally had family dinner of hot dogs and sauerkraut, you know, for good luck!
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