Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Some of you extra perceptive folk have noticed that I have not been entirely myself.....
You are correct. A while back, I went off my medicine (stupid) for clinical depression. I was diagnosed with CD about 20 years ago or so. Since that time I have been on and off different types of antidepressants. Some worked well, some.....not so much. Anyway, I started having symptoms a month or so ago and just chalked them up to other things. I was tired all the time - my reasoning, who wouldn't be tired with a very active 5 year old that doesn't sleep well? I wasn't sleeping well - my reasoning, it's just a symptom of big deal.
You get the idea.
Then last week all my cute little symptoms gathered together to make me a big huge blubbering mess and *ding*, the light bulb went on. I knew I needed to get back on meds, and quick.
I saw my doc this morning (a quick shout out to mom and pops for staying with the boy so I could have some private time at my appt.....thanks a bunch!). She said that menopause and depression don't play well together and that is probably why it hit me so hard and quick this time. Anyway, I will be starting meds tonight and feeling better in no time. Until then, if you see me crying, or acting very stressed, or sitting in a corner sucking my thumb, pay me no will all be ok very soon!
OK. I take back the part about seeing me in the corner sucking my thumb....if you see that, get help! Thanks.

For those that may not really understand what this lovely illness is all about, I have included the possible symptoms. If you or someone you love has a lot of these symptoms or if you have thoughts of hurting yourself or someone else, please seek medical attention.
******note******If you are a parent of a teenager and sometimes want to wring their neck, probably this is not a sign of depression, just a sign that you are a parent of a teenager. However, if you find yourself actually reaching for their neck, STOP and get help.

Just FYI, the following symptoms that are in green are those I typically get. Yippee!

Clinical depression can present with a variety of symptoms, but almost all patients display a marked change in mood, a deep feeling of sadness, and a noticeable loss of interest or pleasure in favorite activities.
Other symptoms include:
Persistent sad, anxious or "empty" mood
Loss of appetite and/or weight loss or conversely overeating and weight gain
Insomnia, early morning awakening, or oversleeping
Restlessness or
irritability (my family REALLY enjoys this one)
Psychomotor agitation or psychomotor retardation
Feelings of worthlessness, inappropriate guilt, helplessness
Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism
Difficulty thinking, concentrating, remembering or making decisions (I usually get an extra dose of this's one of my favorites!)***the previous statement is to be said dripping with snarky sarcasm***
Thoughts of
death or suicide or attempts at suicide (I credit and thank God that I do not have this symptom. Because of His love, I always feel His comfort and I KNOW things will be ok.)
Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities that were once enjoyed
Withdrawal from social situations, family and friends (I work REALLY hard not to do this. It's very tiring)
Decreased energy, fatigue, feeling "slowed down" or sluggish (Didn't I just admit in my last post that I was in a fog? Didn't I say I felt like I was running in mud? Didn't I?????)
Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, such as headaches, digestive problems, and chronic pain
Decrease/Feeling in motor-speed (time seems to slow down) (Normally, I am late just every once in a while but I have been late to almost EVERY function in the last month, including church last Sunday! ARRRRRGGGGG)
Not all patients will suffer from every symptom. The severity of symptoms will vary widely among individuals. Symptoms must, however, persist for at least two weeks before being considered a potential sign of depression, with the exception of suicidal thoughts or attempts.

If you also have this illness and need to talk to someone that understands, just shoot me an email and I will get in touch with you ASAP. Please know that you are not alone.........


Anonymous said...

First off I want to give you a cyber hug and tell you that I love you and that I will be praying for you. Now for the mean part-If you ever decide to go off you meds again please let me know so I can thunk you on the forehead. :)
Depression bites the big one. Ask me how I know.
Thank you for sharing this. I kept my depressions (bipolar actually-life's always exciting with me!) a secret for a long time because I was ashamed. Hearing about other peoples' struggles makes me feel less alone.
Call me or email me if you need to. I'm available 24/7.
Thank you for getting the help you need. You go, girl!

Anonymous said...

I love you! That's all....

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Thank you for sharing this information. I will be praying for you and I do so understand. IF you need some alone time, please let me know and I will gladly watch Noah for you. Love and hugs to you. Angela

Pat said...

I'm so proud of you for taking care of yourself. I have two very close loved ones in my life who are also suffering and won't listen to their wife/mom. Oops, let the cat out of the bag! I may have to inadvertently leave your post up on the screen....

Praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Hope you feeling better soon - I'm praying for you.
How can I help you?

Annie said...

I am behind in catching-up on blogs. Please know that I will be praying for you. I could sense something wasn't right through all the banquet stuff, but I didn't know how to ask. I have been walking around kinda "outside myself" lately also. I always am scared to admit any kind of depression because I don't want to become my grandmother.
Thank you for sharing something so real to you.
Please know I am here if you need anything, and I am praying.
You are one of my "Charleston Life Lines." (meaning one of the wonderful ladies that I think about when I am ready to put Brian's resume' on Monster and move back to the upstate) Love ya!

Debby Vannoy said...

Robin --

I have not been on the computer much lately and behind in my blogs. I am so sorry to hear this and will be praying for you! I know what depression can do to a family annd how important the meds are.

But DO NOT EVER GO OFF THE MEDS by yourself again - as you said you could really hurt by all the people who love you!

Love --D