Friday, April 4, 2008

It's been a while so here are four things to get me back in the swing.....

Sorry I have been gone so long. I have missed ya'll but just couldn't get into the bloggin groove! My mind has been clogged with all kinds of "stuff" and I couldn't complete a coherent thought much less write it down! I am hoping the fog has lifted and I will be back to normal soon! Sooooo, until I can get my thoughts untangled, this little meme I received by email will get me started. I am going to tag 4 of my bloggity peeps at the end.....oh the suspense!

Four jobs you have had:
1. Mommy (the best one yet)
2. Express Teller Services, Armored Truck co.- ATM tech/Asst Mgr/ Night Vault
3. Heritage Trust – Teller
4. South Carolina Federal – Teller/Asst Head Teller/ Head Teller/ Facilities Dept Administrator

Four movies I would watch over and over:
1.Terms of Endearment
2.Pretty in Pink
4.The Princess Bride

Four places I have lived:
1. North Chicago, Illinois
2. Honolulu, Hawaii
3. Nashville, Tennessee
4. The Philippine Islands

Four (very cool) places I have been:
1. New York City, New York
2. All the New England states during the fall
3. Atlanta, Georgia and a Braves game with my (at the time) brand new wonderful husband
4. Under the Pacific ocean in a submarine during a dependants' cruise

Four People who e-mail me (regularly):
1. Mom and Pops
2. April P.
3. MOPS people
4. My Daily Calendar

Four of my favorite TV shows:
1. The Biggest Loser
2. Ace of Cakes
3. Anything with Alton Brown
4. Medium

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Seafood, especially scallops, shrimp and crab
2. Mexican
3. Japanese and most Oriental
4. Salt…….you know, potato chips with salt, popcorn with salt, goldfish with salt, pretzels with salt, cheese nips with salt, etc.

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. On vacation anywhere with ALL my family
2. In a craft store, with my friends, with an unlimited budget J
3. In the mountains
4. On “The Biggest Loser” having lost about 50 pounds or so

Four friends I think will respond:(by email)
1. Tina
2. April
3. Stacie
4. Teri (if she has the time during MOVING TO OMAHA!!!)

Four Things I am looking forward to in 2008:
1. Watching the boys grow and mature…..ok, maybe not mature, but grow……Noah starting school, Kevin entering 10th grade….he had BETTER be entering 10th grade…..
2. The family reunion in Tennessee
3. Paying off at least one bill
4. Growing stronger in my faith

And the 4 bloggity peeps (multiplied by 2) being tagged are...........
1. Wendy over at Well Mannered Frivolity
2. Unkempt Mommy from Making a Person
3. Angela over at Becoming Me
4. Annie from Magner's Random Ramblings
5. Jaime at Training Up In The Way
6. Shawna Lee from Shoo Fly Pie and Grits
7. Cousin April over at The Irishman's Housewife
and last but not least.....
8. Ted at stragglingband
I would tag his beautiful wife but alas.....still no blog in sight. sigh.


Anonymous said...

You are the sweetest lady I know.

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

You are so fun! I love learning more about you. Would you mind if I did your meme on All That Naz? I try to keep Becoming me for just my God inspired posts. Does that sound snotty?