Monday, April 28, 2008
Monday menus and other business.....
We have been pretty busy here at the Smiff household. Lots of things going on but not much getting done! I sometimes feel as if I am trying to run in mud.....not that I really run all that much. I have a firm belief that one should only run if one is being chased by something very a grizzly bear, or a mugger, or an angry mob, or a mutant swarm of bees.....well, you get the idea. I don't do running. Anyway, back to my feelings. I feel like I have been so very very busy but haven't accomplished a darn thing. Do you ever feel that way? I don't especially like it. I also feel as if I have been in somewhat of a fog. That isn't helping me accomplish much either. Oh well, I am pretty sure my family has had most of the required meals, I think...and they have clean clothes, most likely.......and they are all safe and happy.....ok, they aren't miserable....much.
I hope I recover from whatever it is that ails me soon so I can get back into enjoying life and accomplishing.......stuff! When you are saying your prayers, send one up for me if you don't mind. thanks.
On to menus:
Monday: Marinated pork chops, San Fran treat, green beans, corn
Tuesday: Cheddar sausages, baked beans, fruit salad
Wednesday: Baked chicken, baked red skin potatoes, carrots, spinach
Thursday: Ham, mac and cheese, green beans
Friday: Meatball stroganoff over noodles, peas, salad
There you have it.
You know what might be fun? How about, in honor of the upcoming Mom's day, let me know your favorite meal that your mom used to cook for you. Just post it in the comments section so we can all enjoy it! Thanks in advance for playing!!! I will let you know mine in my next post. OH the suspense...........
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Babies! We have babies!!!
RIGHT OUTSIDE OUR FRONT DOOR a mommy and daddy cardinal built a nest in the bush/tree thingy. The nest is right in my line of vision. I can look out the side windows by our front door and clearly see mommy in her nest. I do have to get closer to see our babies. Triplets! We have triplets!!!!!! Can ya'll tell that I am excited? So far, mommy trusts me. I have gotten very close to her and she just blinks her beautiful black eyes at me but doesn't move a muscle. I have half expected her to attack but she hasn't. I think she sees me with "the boy" and maybe understands that I am a mommy too. (ok. maybe that is just what I want to believe)Who knows what goes on in that little birdy brain of hers. Heck. Maybe she just can spot someone with a very large "Elly Mae Clampett" gene and instinctively knows I just love critters and would never cause her and her babies harm. Or maybe she has even seen me gently capture a spider/moth/lizard/tree frog, and release them back into the wild. Ok. Wild may have been an over exaggeration. I release them into our front yard. Anyway.....PICTURES....I HAVE PICTURES!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Corrections and additions.......
Also, I really need to give a shout out to my BFF, aka Aunt Jeanie. She arrived at my house at 10:00 that morning and worked her patootie off helping with the food, set up, reception, clean up and all around moral support until I dropped her back at her house around 5:00. That is a sacrifice folks and I appreciate her more than she will ever know!
I hope God has blessed all ya'll, all six of ya'll with a wonderful friend like my Jeanie!

Monday, April 21, 2008
Monday menus, weddings and other stuff......

Needless to say, I'm sure the family is happy that this is over. I will still be cooking but it will be for them again!
Monday: Pork roast, rice and gravy, cabbage/green beans and corn (cabbage is for me*family will not touch cabbage*family says....yuchhhhh!)
Tuesday: Turkey stroganoff casserole, peas.(I put the leftover turkey from a few weeks ago in the freezer*can be made with chicken too*family LOVES this casserole*it gets gone really fast)
Wednesday: Teriyaki chicken tenders, ham fried rice, stir fry veggies.
Thursday: Pulled pork BBQ sandwiches (from Monday's leftover pork roast) baked beans, fruit salad.
Friday: Lasagna, garlic bread, salad.
Sound good? I does to me, especially after last week's sandwich festival!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Monday Menus, lite
Smarty Pants!
There. I said it. (for those of you that know also know that she is one of the most precious human beings in the world and I love her much)
OK. I'm sure you are all on the edge of your proverbial seats wondering what in the world I meant by "lite" in the title. Well, I am catering a wedding this Saturday and I am trying to make everything at the last possible minute so I can have it all be as fresh as possible. I am also doing their wedding cake (it is a small wedding or I would not do both the cake and the catering) Anyway. I am also doing my monthly birthday cake for my BFF's office. I will be spending a lot of time in the kitchen, but to my family's dismay, it won't be cookin dinner......sorry.
So, hear goes Monday Menus, the lite edition.
Monday: Hot Dogs and whatever you can find to go with them
Tuesday: Grilled cheese and tomato soup
Wednesday: Ham sandwiches
Thursday: Tuna salad or whatever else I can find that is fast as lightning
Friday: For the love of PETE people, I am catering a wedding tomorrow........feed yourselves for crying out loud!!!
(I tend to get a little tense the night before......)
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
Monday Menus
Smarty pants.
Monday: Roast beef, taters and gravy, collards and beets.
Tuesday: Country fried steak, rice, green beans and corn
Wednesday:Baked fish, mac and cheese, fruit salad and green peas (I just KNOW Annie wants in on this meal..she loves green peas you know!)
Thursday: Teriyaki chicken tenders, fried rice, stir fry veggies
Friday: Philly cheese steak sandwiches, caramelized onions and salad. (I have to prepare extra onions for the little man......he LOVES them....weird huh.)
And by the way, a couple of you wanted to know if Noah will eat all this? Heck no! I just try to have leftovers of what he will eat or he gets a Pb&j! We just keep offering for him to try new things and hopefully, eventually, he will eat a wider variety. The items in green are things he will eat. Very strange....very strange!
Items in orange are things that no one in this house except me will touch.....not even with a ten foot pole.
I have a friend whose mother used to cook 2 or 3 complete meals for dinner so everyone in her house would be happy..........NOT THIS CHICK! I do try to have at least one or two ITEMS that everyone will eat, but, if not....there is always sandwich stuff in the fridge. Help yourself. Oh yeah, and there is always Pb&j!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
We have new Smiths........
After their introduction to Noah, he proclaimed "they're SO CUTE!" and promptly dubbed them Max and Zach. Noah then moved one of his small chairs directly in front of the tank so he could observe them up close and personal. Never mind that the chair is now blocking our matters not to the boy. It is for his convenience, not ours (just between you and me, the chair is being moved as soon as he isn't paying attention.....)Ok. On with the photos.....
This is Zach. He is a red eared slider.

And this is Max. He is a yellow belly um.....something or another......I am such a bad turtle mother! I can't remember my new fella's exact species....sigh.

This is Noah's new observation post.

Aunt Jeanie really knows how to make a little guy smile!

Ok. I am no longer gritting my teeth. I do really love the new additions to my family. I agree with Noah. They ARE really cute! Gene is enjoying them as well and the other two boy fella's seem to think they are pretty cool. The doggies don't really seem to care about them BUT there is someone that is very perplexed about the situation.............

I was able to read her thoughts earlier and this is what I received.........."I have GOT to find a way in there. OH LOOK! There is a little hole at the top here and I think I can get my paw down in there.......DRATS! I can't reach the water.....CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TAKE THIS TOP OFF SO I CAN GET IN THERE AND CAPTURE MY NEW TOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Aunt Jeanie. You are the best!
Friday, April 4, 2008
It's been a while so here are four things to get me back in the swing.....
Four jobs you have had:
1. Mommy (the best one yet)
2. Express Teller Services, Armored Truck co.- ATM tech/Asst Mgr/ Night Vault
3. Heritage Trust – Teller
4. South Carolina Federal – Teller/Asst Head Teller/ Head Teller/ Facilities Dept Administrator
Four movies I would watch over and over:
1.Terms of Endearment
2.Pretty in Pink
4.The Princess Bride
Four places I have lived:
1. North Chicago, Illinois
2. Honolulu, Hawaii
3. Nashville, Tennessee
4. The Philippine Islands
Four (very cool) places I have been:
1. New York City, New York
2. All the New England states during the fall
3. Atlanta, Georgia and a Braves game with my (at the time) brand new wonderful husband
4. Under the Pacific ocean in a submarine during a dependants' cruise
Four People who e-mail me (regularly):
1. Mom and Pops
2. April P.
3. MOPS people
4. My Daily Calendar
Four of my favorite TV shows:
1. The Biggest Loser
2. Ace of Cakes
3. Anything with Alton Brown
4. Medium
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Seafood, especially scallops, shrimp and crab
2. Mexican
3. Japanese and most Oriental
4. Salt…….you know, potato chips with salt, popcorn with salt, goldfish with salt, pretzels with salt, cheese nips with salt, etc.
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. On vacation anywhere with ALL my family
2. In a craft store, with my friends, with an unlimited budget J
3. In the mountains
4. On “The Biggest Loser” having lost about 50 pounds or so
Four friends I think will respond:(by email)
1. Tina
2. April
3. Stacie
4. Teri (if she has the time during MOVING TO OMAHA!!!)
Four Things I am looking forward to in 2008:
1. Watching the boys grow and mature…..ok, maybe not mature, but grow……Noah starting school, Kevin entering 10th grade….he had BETTER be entering 10th grade…..
2. The family reunion in Tennessee
3. Paying off at least one bill
4. Growing stronger in my faith
And the 4 bloggity peeps (multiplied by 2) being tagged are...........
1. Wendy over at Well Mannered Frivolity
2. Unkempt Mommy from Making a Person
3. Angela over at Becoming Me
4. Annie from Magner's Random Ramblings
5. Jaime at Training Up In The Way
6. Shawna Lee from Shoo Fly Pie and Grits
7. Cousin April over at The Irishman's Housewife
and last but not least.....
8. Ted at stragglingband
I would tag his beautiful wife but alas.....still no blog in sight. sigh.