He has only one stitch that will be removed in a couple of weeks. We should get the results around that same time and we will let you know when we find out.

Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers. Ya'll are the very best.
He has only one stitch that will be removed in a couple of weeks. We should get the results around that same time and we will let you know when we find out.
Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers. Ya'll are the very best.
This is hubby patiently explaining to me that this is most certainly NOT blog fodder and under no circumstances should it appear on my blog.
I ignored that.
Please note his furry helper behind him.....
TAAA DAAAA!! A pretty shiny new kitchen faucet that does not leak and has a functional squirty thingy.
Happy girl.....
OK. In the photo below, please note the extremely cool and handsome dude lurking behind the sign. After the reunion, he informed me that a few girls had given him phone numbers. I told him that was just fine as long as he didn't think he was actually going to call them!! By the way, they were not related to us but even if they were, according to a certain well known southern comedian, it is perfectly acceptable to pick up women at a family reunion. ;o)
Sunday: Aunt Jan out did herself with a huge and wonderful big breakfast....homemade gravy and biscuits, eggs, sausage, bacon, ham, fried taters, cooked apples.....I need to stop, I'm getting drool on the keyboard and I'm afraid I may electrocute myself...
The rest of the day was spent just lounging around and enjoying each other's company. I believe this is the day that Aunt B talked Noah into taking a picture of her toe.
Her toe.
And yes.
He did.
He also took this picture of Nonna. Not bad for a 5 yr old!