As you may have guessed from the title, this post is going to have multiple subjects. The first being that Kevin, the middle guy, has been accepted into JROTC. This is a BIG DEAL! He has been wanting this since this past summer and has been working towards this goal. He has done all paperwork, errand running and information finding ALL ON HIS OWN! We are very proud of him for being diligent in his desire and for following through on all instruction. Way to go KEVIN!
He also helped with child care for our MOPS group last Friday since he was out of school. He did a great job. He said he has a new found appreciation for moms in general....this statement was made after his experience of taking 10 - four and five year old boys to the bathroom by himself and spending two hours with a total of 22 four and five year olds! (with the teacher and another helper in the room) He even vacuumed the rooms afterwards and helped with the trash. What a great guy we have been blessed with!
While at MOPS, the craft in Noah's class was a shield with a paraphrased verse in the center. They colored the shield and glued a handle on the back. When I picked him up from his class, he read the verse to me. Now, let me explain that when Noah reads, he mostly pronounces things the way they are spelled. I think he does really well for an almost 5 year old! He said: "Lord, You are like a shiewd (shield) vat (that) keeps me safe. Possum free free" (Psalm 3:3). Let me tell ya, there are no longer any Psalms in the Smith household. They are forever more.....Possums.
We now leave the Biblical teachings to go to the "dark side". Last year the older guys got a Lego Star Wars computer game. Noah LOVED it and actually got quite good at it. One day, Gene (dh) said "since he likes the game, I wonder if he would like the movie". Well, Noah did like the movie, kind of hid his eyes during what he considered scary parts and from that point on, a little star wars monster was created. He really REALLY likes Darf A Bader (Darth Vader) cause he uses a red hitter (light saber). He had had had HAD to be Darf A Bader for Halloween. HAD TO I SAY!!
Mighty cute little Darf A Bader if you ask me!
Now for the pink medicine. Noah has an ear infection and just had his first dose of pink medicine - also known to most pharmacies and medical professionals as Amoxicillin. Noah honestly believes in his heart of hearts that if he has even so much as a sniff, he must have pink medicine! Most times he is able to heal of his sniffs without the beloved pink stuff but when fever and infection are present, he gets his miracle drug *insert angels singing here*. We (Noah) are ever so relieved that the pink medicine has been purchased and is safely ensconced in the refrigerator and we (Noah) are POSITIVE that we (Noah) will be good as new very very soon.
I would like to thank the three of you for reading my many musings today. My high school friend Lisa just recently let me know that she is a faithful reader so my audience has increased from it's original two. Holy cow am I getting popular.....I promised her I wouldn't get "the big head" so I will try to remain humble...........
1 comment:
Robin, Topher loves Dark Vader. Topher also loves the P-Sal-Mas. And, since Topher is allergic to the pink medicine, we just pray he doesn't get sick. Whew. LOVE your post. Oh, and I'm in the process of tagging you! You're IT!!
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