MY MOM!!!!! I figured since this past Sunday was Mom's day, I would tell ya'll how great she really is! Again, these are not necessarily in order of importance.....
- She never never ever forgets birthdays, anniversaries and other important days. I'm not talkin just me and my dad. I mean she ALWAYS sends birthday and anniversary cards to ALL my Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and my Cousins children. She also remembers the close friends they have made over the years. Let me tell ya'll somethin'. I really do not know why postage went up again! Mom is totally responsible for keeping the U.S. Postal Service in business! (side note: I did not get this DNA from her....don't expect a card. I buy them, I never actually send them.)
- She is an awesome cook. She can make a wonderful down home country meal or a fancy schmancy meal and everything in between. She also makes extreemly yummy desserts......the cheesecake queen! (side note: I think I was lucky enough that I did get a little bit of this DNA)
- To go along with the cooking thing, she is a great hostess. She loves to have people in her home and always makes them feel special and welcome. Folks always leave feeling very full, both of food and love! (side note: I did not get this DNA either...)
- She LOVES sports. Especially baseball and football. I like to be in the same house as her and her sister when a football game is on. Not because I really want to see the game, but because it is so entertaining to watch them watch a game. They have yelled so loud at times, they have frightened small children. My mom even "helps" run the ball. She has gotten quite a few touchdowns just by running from her recliner to the tv! TOO MUCH FUN!
- She is a wonderful Grandmother. Noah just adores his "Nonna". She combines the perfect amount of loving and spoiling! I found a quote about grandma's that suits her perfectly...."When I go to Grandma's, she makes me feel like she has been waiting for me all day."
- She has been and still is an awesome mom. She has given me a great pattern to work from and I hope I do as well as she did. (disclaimer: All my strange quirks and bad habits did not come from her. She tried to fix me ya'll.....she really tried!)
- She keeps a beautiful house. She is organized and very clean. Her house ALWAYS looks wonderful, shiny, bright and clean. (side note: Once again, I did not get this DNA...deep sigh.....aaaaahhhhhhcccchhhhhooooo! I guess I need to dust...)
- She loves to shop and find a good bargain and is so very proud when she does. I couldn't find a great bargain if it bit me in the....well, you know. Once again, didn't get the DNA...
- She is wonderful to volunteer. She helps with everything she can and with everyone from the littlest baby to the most seasoned senior. She makes hospital visits, takes food to the ailing, sends notes and cards (see #1) and even calls them on their birthdays to sing "Happy Birthday". I often make fun of my mom's singing, also known as "the joyful noise" but I think she is so sweet for doing all she does!
- She taught me the importance of family. When I was little, she made sure that when we were thousands of miles from relatives, I still remembered who they were by reading letters from them, showing me pictures, and sharing memories about them. I have a very strong bond with my family even though we may not see one another very often. She is responsible for that bond.
In closing, she is a wonderful example of being a wife, mother, friend and Christian. I really want to be like her when I grow up!